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Doomed By Democracy

Doomed By Democracy


James Bredin

Seventeen terrorists arrested is not a small number,
Many names not published which might make you sit up and wonder,
Politicians are busy listening to themselves as they talk,
No referendums or recall and Canadians can’t squawk

What do you say: we get to hell out of the Middle East,
Humiliating though it may be but stop counting deceased,
I wouldn’t mind fighting or even dying for a cause,
But peacekeeper dead guys should give us cause to pause.

The problems are here in Canada – not in Afghanistan,
Not in Somalia, Lebanon, Israel or Kazakhstan,
The issues we have are here and now – not way over there,
Why did Chretien enroll us in that Afghanistan affair?

Constituent numbers are changing every night and day,
Sharia law type population explosion and what can I say?
Eventually we’ll have cause to wonder how this all came about,
Illegals, Charter refugees, babies, slowly and without a doubt.

Our pompous politicians declared that everything was great,
Therefore there was no need to have a Canadian debate,
And they might discuss possible reforms behind closed doors,
So it’s onward and upwards to victory on foreign shores.

Do-gooder political correctness right up to our ears,
A good name at the UN is maybe not quite what it appears,
The International Aids Conference left us even more,
Count the incoming infected aids refugees by the score.

Politicians don’t seem to know or care about Sharia law,
They’re too busy off in distant Ottawa or visiting a spa,
It’s a local phenomenon they think so they just don’t care,
Who let the enemy in the back door and thank you, Pierre?

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Re: Doomed By Democracy

Liberal Leadership


James Bredin

The lying Liberals are having a predicament these days,
The entails of the adscam scandal and their crooked ways,
Coming back to haunt them when they want to strut their slimy stuff,
Because they want to tax and spend again and never get enough.

And then they want to go down to the United Nations,
Or buy more cheap submarines that burn on Atlantic stations,
And most of all they mean to be a majority once more,
With another monster prime minister like before.

Their multicultural policies pushed with a smile,
They did it for fifteen years and that’s a terribly long while,
Through all the countless scandals all pushed under the rug,
Accusations and allegations always met with a shrug.

They don’t know whether to call Quebec a nation or not,
They’ll do anything; say anything, so long as they don’t get caught,
Their pretence of moral superiority was their shtick,
With enough scandals under the rug to make anyone sick.

Billions set aside for their Kyoto credit points,
Hidden foreign aid to every communist left-wing joint,
They sent the adscam ransom to their friends in Quebec,
Stopped when the scandal found out and we can’t even check.

Sunday, November 12, 2006