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Ailwyn Discussion Board
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Year 9
I think this website has been maintained very poorley as bout 10 teachers have left since crimbo and like none of them have been removed from the teachers lists, and the new treachers havent been added on. Also the newsletter on the site is about 10 years old and the...
Views: 160   Replies: 0
Last Post: Apr 18, 2002 1:47pm
by Year 9
Re: why
oh just shut up u idiot --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Replying to:why does cheese smell bad why why why why why it makes no sense people still eat the rubbish cheese crumbs
Views: 148   Replies: 0
Last Post: Apr 18, 2002 1:44pm
by Anon 2002
why does cheese smell bad why why why why why it makes no sense people still eat the rubbish cheese crumbs
Views: 185   Replies: 0
Last Post: Apr 17, 2002 6:49am
by John the cheese ...
Who Else thinks the germans could have one the second war if they had not killed all the jews
Views: 139   Replies: 0
Last Post: Feb 11, 2002 4:34am
by jepprob87
Re: Buses
My bus is late too, but if we didn't have the new safety route, then one day someone could have a really bad accident. My bus use to go really early, but now we have been moved to another space and we are almost last! --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Replyin...
Views: 155   Replies: 0
Last Post: Dec 18, 2001 3:52am
by katherinegentry
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