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Hello everyone!!!!!!
This is Summer...I miss you all terribly! Ghana was wonderful, hard work but wonderful. I have fallen in love with the people and can't wait to go back, but I am also anxious to get home. God has done so much in me in the past 6 weeks, I can't even start to explain. Just get ready to hear lots of stories and see lots of pictures and watch lots of movies....anyways I am in South Africa at the moment and enjoying myself but counting down the days till I get home....just 8 more. Then I get to start raising money for the next trip...which will be June-August of next year....sometime in those months. Keep us in prayer, we are getting ready to start planning a youth conference in Accra(Nungua), Ghana and it will be quite a big event. God is awesome and Has opened so many doors and connected us to so many people...anyways....I love you all and miss you so much and I will let Joelle type now.....Blessings and reply...I will be able to check!
LOve you bunches Brandy...Thanks for the post!

Now it's Joelle. Just wanted to tell all of you that we love you and thank you for all of your prayers! I love Ghana! Can't wait to be home, but I also can't wait to go back. Curtis...that word you gave us was right on!!! We have walked in perfect peace since we have been here and the Spirit has moved on us mightly, along with the congregations we have visited. Just wanted to say thatnks for that! Love you all and can't wait to see you!! Love and Blessings Joelle...and if Joe reads this Love you!!!


Hi back! It's really good to hear from you both and you are both greatly missed!

I've called a couple of people to let them know you both posted and I'm sure you'll get a lots of messages as soon as word spreads. So, you might want to keep checking in when you can.

Take care and I look forward to seeing and hearing from you both soon! My prayers (as I know many other's also) are with you.



Hey! Good to hear from you two and know that you are safe and well and that God is doing great things in and through you both. Isn't it fun to get words from the Lord and then to walk them out and see them come to pass?! I miss you and am getting excited to see you and hear about all of your adventures in God! Joelle -- your room's been clean waaay too long!!!! Have a safe trip home -- I'm counting the days...and hours...and minutes...(you get the message!) Love you bunches. (Say Hi to Bishop and Sondra (sp.?) too.


Hey, just wanted to say I'm very proud of you both!!!! I miss you both very much.. We are also counting down the days to your return!!! I cannot wait to hear about everything and just witness your change.. I just continue to pray that God just does mighty things in your lives.. Can't wait to hear you both testify!!!! It's going to be awesome!! Love you both bunches...



Hey Summer and Joelle! I am so glad to hear you are both having an awesome time. I have been praying for you and I can't wait to hear all that God has done through you and to you!


Hey you two Daughters of Zion!!! It was great to see a message from you!! Brandy and I kept checking the forum. She and Abby and I have prayed for you every night at bed-time. Ethan just does raspberries. But he means them with his whole heart! Can't wait to see you and hear it all! I know you both will never be the same. That's what is supposed to come of these experiences! It will be great to have you both back home! See you in a few days! Love you both!!



WEll we've made it to the last 2 days. I'm not sure if you will want to reply b/c we wont get them and we'll be home in 2 DAYS!!! I can't wait to see you all and to you mom be prepaired to stay up late if I get jetlag. I love you all very much and can't wait to see you all on Sunday. Love you all and will se you in 2 DAYS! Love Joelle...If Joseph reads this...Love you!!!

Hello everyone....This is Summer typing...2 days 2 days 2 Joelle already informed you!!! I am so excited to be coming home....this has been a wonderful trip and I have enjoyed every minute of it...but there is just something about coming home thats to great to explain!!!! LOL>>>>Anyways...We are getting ready to go shopping one more time before we leave this wonderful land of Africa....Can't wait to see you all and I hope that you are blessed and doing wonderful...
Love you tons!!!!!
Summer Ann