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Long lost cousin!!

Hey there all! This message is for Pastor Joe and Melody and their kids. I am Joe's cousin, Jennifer, from southern Illinois. We've lost touch over the last several years. I thought I'd do an Internet search to see if I could find any info about you and your church and I did! I use to stay alot with you when Summer and Joseph were little. I can't believe they're all grown up now. It's been great to read the forum comments here and to feel the love and excitement you all have for each other and for the Lord and His work. God bless you all. Just wanted to say hi to my family. If anyone reads this please tell Joe and Melody to check it out. I am leaving for a trip to British Columbia, Canada on July 6, 2006 to answer the call of God upon my life to the First Nations of the Pacific NW Coast. Would appreciate your prayers. Love you Joe, Melody, and family....I think about you lots.