Ailwyn Discussion Board

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The Website

Its been a while! Taking the virtual tour brings back some memories. Excellent job with the site.

Quick suggestion : how about some way of searching the site contents rather than google (search form on the homepage)

Re: The Website

or praps mr. fitzjon could do a php site?

Re: Re: The Website

He he... could redo the forums to ditch those annoying popup div's that keep appearing!

Re: Re: Re: The Website

but it would be a matter of whether the schoolzone server(s) support php

A nike system would be nice......all students registered for help forums and all......ill have to see what he says

Re: Le Website

Peut-etre Ryan, vous seriez tranquille!?

Est-ce que vous savez comment faire PHP?

Neanmoins, c'est pal mal au meilleur.

Au revoir

Re: The Website

yeah i think it is pretty good but it is quite out of date it needs new things wrong information is not going to be very helpful to new students, some of the staff have left and there are some new one too!