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Re: Re: yr 10

yeah well im not wiv ne of my m8s, im gonna b a rite larry 4 2 yrs!

i really dont c the point in it and i no most ppl in my tutor dont like me.

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Replying to:

hi person whi just sed year 10, whats ya name? I h8 my TG. I guess i am lucky cos i am with one best m8. they say u make new m8s but then agen u will lose ya old 1's. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i h8 CHANGE!

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Replying to:

i dont really get why we have to change tutor groups in year 10. i really like my tutor group now and i have only heard of 1 person who is happy with thier new one. We know everyone in our year and if we had wanted to make friends with them we would have by now.

Re: Re: Re: yr 10

hi there is no point in complainig bout tgs coz u cant change it and no matta how much u moan it aint gonna change a thing is it?!?! just stop complaining and look 4ward 2 yr 10 and makin new m8s!

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Replying to:

yeah well im not wiv ne of my m8s, im gonna b a rite larry 4 2 yrs!

i really dont c the point in it and i no most ppl in my tutor dont like me.

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Replying to:

hi person whi just sed year 10, whats ya name? I h8 my TG. I guess i am lucky cos i am with one best m8. they say u make new m8s but then agen u will lose ya old 1's. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i h8 CHANGE!

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Replying to:

i dont really get why we have to change tutor groups in year 10. i really like my tutor group now and i have only heard of 1 person who is happy with thier new one. We know everyone in our year and if we had wanted to make friends with them we would have by now.

Re: Re: Re: Re: yr 10

thats a stupid thing to say, i cant make new m8s cus i already no every1 in there! read 4 god sake!

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Replying to:

hi there is no point in complainig bout tgs coz u cant change it and no matta how much u moan it aint gonna change a thing is it?!?! just stop complaining and look 4ward 2 yr 10 and makin new m8s!

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Replying to:

yeah well im not wiv ne of my m8s, im gonna b a rite larry 4 2 yrs!

i really dont c the point in it and i no most ppl in my tutor dont like me.

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Replying to:

hi person whi just sed year 10, whats ya name? I h8 my TG. I guess i am lucky cos i am with one best m8. they say u make new m8s but then agen u will lose ya old 1's. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i h8 CHANGE!

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Replying to:

i dont really get why we have to change tutor groups in year 10. i really like my tutor group now and i have only heard of 1 person who is happy with thier new one. We know everyone in our year and if we had wanted to make friends with them we would have by now.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: yr 10

i was replyin 2 the person that was sayin she was goin 2 b a larry and the ova person who sed that they had no1 in their tg

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Replying to:

thats a stupid thing to say, i cant make new m8s cus i already no every1 in there! read 4 god sake!

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Replying to:

hi there is no point in complainig bout tgs coz u cant change it and no matta how much u moan it aint gonna change a thing is it?!?! just stop complaining and look 4ward 2 yr 10 and makin new m8s!

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Replying to:

yeah well im not wiv ne of my m8s, im gonna b a rite larry 4 2 yrs!

i really dont c the point in it and i no most ppl in my tutor dont like me.

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Replying to:

hi person whi just sed year 10, whats ya name? I h8 my TG. I guess i am lucky cos i am with one best m8. they say u make new m8s but then agen u will lose ya old 1's. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i h8 CHANGE!

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Replying to:

i dont really get why we have to change tutor groups in year 10. i really like my tutor group now and i have only heard of 1 person who is happy with thier new one. We know everyone in our year and if we had wanted to make friends with them we would have by now.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: yr 10

yeah that was me

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Replying to:

i was replyin 2 the person that was sayin she was goin 2 b a larry and the ova person who sed that they had no1 in their tg

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Replying to:

thats a stupid thing to say, i cant make new m8s cus i already no every1 in there! read 4 god sake!

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Replying to:

hi there is no point in complainig bout tgs coz u cant change it and no matta how much u moan it aint gonna change a thing is it?!?! just stop complaining and look 4ward 2 yr 10 and makin new m8s!

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Replying to:

yeah well im not wiv ne of my m8s, im gonna b a rite larry 4 2 yrs!

i really dont c the point in it and i no most ppl in my tutor dont like me.

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Replying to:

hi person whi just sed year 10, whats ya name? I h8 my TG. I guess i am lucky cos i am with one best m8. they say u make new m8s but then agen u will lose ya old 1's. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i h8 CHANGE!

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Replying to:

i dont really get why we have to change tutor groups in year 10. i really like my tutor group now and i have only heard of 1 person who is happy with thier new one. We know everyone in our year and if we had wanted to make friends with them we would have by now.