Ailwyn Discussion Board

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Ailwyn Discussion Board
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Abbey = kool

Hi I just wanna say that I think the Abbey is 10 X better than the ailwyn, for a start people are more mature regarding litter. We actually USE the bins, you ailwyn kids should really try it some time. Another thing, why do we alllllways get told to go to school by Mr Ward in the morning when we are waiting for FRIENDS! god geez lighten up!

Re: Abbey = kool

yeh the ailwyn woz ok but i fink the abbey is betta. U can do the subjects u want. And ur treated betta.

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Replying to:

Hi I just wanna say that I think the Abbey is 10 X better than the ailwyn, for a start people are more mature regarding litter. We actually USE the bins, you ailwyn kids should really try it some time. Another thing, why do we alllllways get told to go to school by Mr Ward in the morning when we are waiting for FRIENDS! god geez lighten up!

Re: Re: Abbey = kool

yeh, wikd, its like being an adult, better than being patronised by the ailwyn staff. hehe

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Replying to:

yeh the ailwyn woz ok but i fink the abbey is betta. U can do the subjects u want. And ur treated betta.

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Replying to:

Hi I just wanna say that I think the Abbey is 10 X better than the ailwyn, for a start people are more mature regarding litter. We actually USE the bins, you ailwyn kids should really try it some time. Another thing, why do we alllllways get told to go to school by Mr Ward in the morning when we are waiting for FRIENDS! god geez lighten up!

Re: Abbey = kool

yeh the ailwyn woz ok but i fink the abbey is betta. U can do the subjects u want. And ur treated more like adults!

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Replying to:

Hi I just wanna say that I think the Abbey is 10 X better than the ailwyn, for a start people are more mature regarding litter. We actually USE the bins, you ailwyn kids should really try it some time. Another thing, why do we alllllways get told to go to school by Mr Ward in the morning when we are waiting for FRIENDS! god geez lighten up!

Re: Re: Abbey = kool (year 11 student)

well, i do have to say neither the abbey or the ailwyn are "kool" (and by the way, it's spelt with a "C") - it's not the teachers or the litter or the work that made both schools bad, it was the other students and their bullying techniques that did it for me.