Ailwyn Discussion Board

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This Website

I would like to congratulate the person who updates this website, because it is kept in excellent condition. The Abbey website is very rarely update and half the pages aren't constructed Maybe the person who do this website could do ours

Keep up the good work!

Re: This Website

Thank you for your kind words. The website is managed by our technician, Sophie Fitzjohn. I think she does a superb job, too.

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Replying to:

I would like to congratulate the person who updates this website, because it is kept in excellent condition. The Abbey website is very rarely update and half the pages aren't constructed Maybe the person who do this website could do ours

Keep up the good work!

Our Website

Sure this site is rather well, but our website is much cooler!!! Wellcome to

Re: This Website

well it is stilll quite out of date the teachers have changed and all sorta have been going on and it has not been chnaged for a while