Well, after 4 visits to CAL DMV, 2 visits to California Highway Patrol (CHP), and 2 visits to Cal Bureau of Auto Repair (BAR) Smog Referee - my 1977 PUMA GTE 1600 is now SMOG EXEMPT in California and I can drive it.
It has been stored for about 35 years!!! I finally dug it out from the back of the garage. Rebuilt engine, rebuilt breaks, flushed and coated gas tank, etc.
Next is new tires (the original tires I put on in 1977 are a little scary to drive on), speedometer off to Bob's for repair, and the tranny needs work (pops out of reverse and 4th).
Recent driving... I didn't remember how low to the ground it is - looking up at a BMW smart car!!!!!
I don't know how many Pumas are still on the road, but we can add one to the mix