Ailwyn Discussion Board

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i just got my letter bak with my lessons tht i got but i really was disapointed with the letter. it did not give me the one lesson i wanted the most and instead gave me two languages. i hav 2 admit tht i did put down 2 languages but tht was only to please my family and now i regret it. has anyone got any help on how 2 get tht lesson i really wanted?? and if ur in yr7 or yr8, dont let otha ppl choose 4 u, do it by urself and think about ur likes and dislikes.

Re: options

As you have not given an e-mail address to reply to I'm afraid this can only be a very general answer. It looks as though you need to speak urgently to both your family and your teachers.

If you don't feel sufficiently confident to speak to your Group Tutor or Year Tutor, please come and see me and I will give you some advice about who to see and how to do it.
C Turner
Room TO13