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School bus from Earith


We are in the process of buying a house in Earith. i was a little concerned by the Ofsted report for the Ailwyn but have had my mind put at rest by some contact with the school and comments on this forum. I also know about the merger happening in September. What i really want to know now is how the school bus works. How long is the journey from Earith? What time does it leave and arrive at school? Can anyone help? Anyone going that way could also contact my daughter who will be starting in year 9 in September.



Re: School bus from Earith

i live in earith and my school bus leaves at 08.05 in the morning and gets to school about 8.35 so the journey is about half an hour. in the afternoon it leaves school at 15.10 and gets home about 15.40. I am in year 8 now so i will be starting year 9 in September.