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1. Lan Guifei's Corpse (1937)

I have tried to refine the information on these eight Chinese movies of interest. The first movie that might be a Charlie Chan movie is listed below. There is very little information on it to be found. However, I think the title is now probably more accurately translated. It seems to refer to some particular person's body and the person is named 'Lan Guifei'.


Lan Guifei’s Corpse (1937) -- Unconfirmed as Chan
兰闺飞尸 (1937)

Production Company: 新华 Xinhua

Screenwriter: 徐欣夫 Xinfu Xu

Director: 徐欣夫 Xinfu Xu

Photography: 周诗穆 Shimu Zhou

Principal actors
顾梅君 Meijun Gu (Meina Chan??? — Unconfirmed)
徐莘园 Ziyuan Xu (Charlie Chan??? — Unconfirmed)

2. The Pearl Shirt (1938) — Spoiler Alert

I have more information on this next film. I have even laboriously done a character-by-character translation of the plot summary and think that this new translation of the story is approximately accurate, though a native speaker of Manadarin should confirm this.



The Pearl Shirt (1938)
珍珠衫 (1938)

Production Company: 华新 New China

Screenwriter: 徐欣夫 Xinfu Xu

Director: 徐欣夫 Xinfu Xu

Photography: 周诗穆 Shimu Zhou

Principal actors
顾兰君 Lanjun Gu
顾梅君 Meijun Gu
徐莘园 Ziyuan Xu
刘琼 Qiong Liu
姜修 Xiu Jiang
傅威廉 Weilian Fu
白虹 Hong Bai
尤光照 Guangzhao You
洪警铃 Jingling Hong
谭志远 Zhiyuan Tan
葛福荣 Furong Ge
叶小珠 Ye Xiao Chu
舒丽娟 Shulijuan
何剑飞 Jianfei He


The Zhao family ancient grave is robbed, and one of the lost objects is a priceless shirt with pearls. Having returned from overseas, Charlie Chan is staying with his daughter in the Zhao family home, and therefore participates in the investigation. In the ancient grave, a bullet is found, used by a bodyguard, Deisheng Xu, at the Datong Club. Chan hurries away only to discover someone has already been killed, and there is now a series of murders. Charlie Chan sets a dark cloth trap in the robber’s cave. Meina receives a radio signal from her father, which leads to the capture of the thieves and the recovery of the lost jewellery. Jiawei Zhao congratulates Charlie Chan, but at the same time expresses regret that the shirt with pearls was not also recovered. However, Charlie Chan isn’t nervous. He lets Meina produce the shirt with pearls.

3. Murder at the Taiwan National University Radio Station (1939) — Spoiler Alert

Again, I have a fair amount of information on this next film and I have tried to hammer out a more comprehensible plot summary via laborious character-for-character translation.



Murder at the Taiwan National University Radio Station (1939)
播音台大血案 (1939)

Production Company: 新华 Xinhua

Screenwriter: 徐欣夫 Xinfu Xu

Director: 徐欣夫 Xinfu Xu

Photography: 周诗穆 Shimu Zhou

Principal actors
龚秋霞 Qiuxia Gong
徐莘园 Ziyuan Xu
顾梅君 Meijun Gu
尤光照 Guangzhao You


A female broadcaster is killed at a radio station, and Charlie Chan helps the police solve the case. —
The singer Xie Huitian regularly goes to the radio station to broadcast a program. Because the singer always wears a disguise, even the people at the radio station do not know this individual’s true appearance. For the fifth anniversary celebration of its construction in Taiwan, the radio station in various ways and with great effort finally persuades Huitian to agree to meet an audience without any disguise on the upcoming Taiwanese celebration day. Many music fans are greatly excited. As the singer steps up on stage, the lights suddenly go out. When they come back on, Huitian is already dead. Detective Zhang asks Charlie Chan and his daughter to assist in solving the case. Soon after Chan takes over the investigation, a female radio broadcaster is also murdered. From the investigation, Charlie Chan discovers that Huitian was very recently engaged to the woman Hu Liying, but Hu Liying has another boyfriend. Charlie Chan follows up on a clue and enters a life-and-death struggle with the criminal...

4. The Great Charlie Chan Breaks a Stealth Technique (1941) — Spoiler Alert

Once again, I have tried to unscramble the plot summary.



The Great Charlie Chan Breaks a Stealth Technique (1941)
陈查礼大破隐身术 (1941)
陈查理大破隐身术 (1941)

Production Company: 华新 New China

Screenwriter: 徐欣夫 Xinfu Xu

Director: 徐欣夫 Xinfu Xu

Photography: 庄国钧Pengguojun

Principal actors
顾梅君 Meijun Gu
徐莘园 Ziyuan Xu
龚秋霞 Qiuxia Gong


A thief uses a secret stealth (invisibility?) method to commit a crime, and Charlie Chan helps Detective Zhang solve the case. —
Charlie Chan and his daughter, Meina Chan, are hired by Detective Zhang to help investigate a case of an ongoing series of weird thefts. Chan’s friend, Xiao Yougin, also gives assistance. One day, Chan and his daughter are invited to attend a large lavish birthday banquet, where this bizarre sort of theft happens again, for although valuables were put in a safe, the precious jewellery vanishes into thin air. A servant is also killed. Jia Yi and Lu Shaoting, two suspicious individuals, were in attendance at the banquet, but there is no definite evidence of who is guilty. Jia Yi’s girlfriend, Zhou Yuehua, behaves very strangely, but it is not clear why. Qian Manyun accidentally discovers that Zhou obtained jewellery that was very like the jewellery that she herself lost. Chan and his daughter go about investigating, but almost run into danger. Afterwards, Charlie Chan invents spectacles that may possibly reveal the stealth technique used. However, he must wait to use the spectacles when they cannot be found, so the case becomes deadlocked. Xiao Yougin is also extremely disappointed. Then, Meina thinks of an idea. The daughter sets up a snare for the two people, finally causing the stealth robber to walk into the trap.

5. Clairvoyance (1942)

Here's another one with very little information to be found. Like the film from 1937, it may not be a Chan film.


Clairvoyance (1942) -- Unconfirmed as Chan
千里眼 (1942)

Production Company: 中联 China United

Director: 徐欣夫 Xinfu Xu

Photography: 石凤岐 Danfengqi

Principal actors
顾梅君 Meijun Gu (Meina Chan??? — Unconfirmed)
徐莘园 Ziyuan Xu (Charlie Chan??? — Unconfirmed)

6. The Net of Divine Retribution (1947) — Spoiler Alert

There is again more information on this film. I've translated the plot more accurately now, I believe.


(In short, it reminds me of a plot from Colombo!)


The Net of Divine Retribution (1947)
(A.K.A. Justice is Inescapable)
天网恢恢 (1947)徐莘园

Production Company: 联艺影片公司 The Art Film Company

Producer: 谢秉钧Xiebingjun

Director: 杨工良 Gong-liang Yang

Screenwriter: 尹海清 Haiqing Yin

Original Music: 戈忻 Ge Xin

Photography: 曹进云 Cao Jin-yun

Editing: 周诗清 Shiqing Zhou, 沈毓奇 Qi Dexin

Arts guide: 易光甫 Yi Guangfu

Backdrop: 陈其锐 Chen Rui

Costume design: 苏哲明 Yan

Recording: 孙冰韵 Sun Bing Classics

Principal actors
陈娟娟 Juanjuan Chen — 柳曼娜 Liu Manna / 柳曼玲 Liu Manling
徐莘园 Ziyuan Xu — 陈查礼Charlie Chan
平原 Yuan Ping — 探长 Detective
吕玉堃 Yukun Lu — 司马明 Cima Ming
平凡 Fan Ping — 陈平 Chen Ping
文燕 Wen Yan — 徐妈 Xu Ma
吴家骧 Wu Chia Hsiang — 小偷 Thief
陈焕文 Huanwen Chen — 探员 Officer
蒋锐 Rui Jiang — 押店主人 The Owner Remanded
姜南 Nan Jiang — 公寓司阍 Apartment Doorman
高第安 Gaodian — 张大照 Zhang Zao
陈飞 Chen Fei — 警长 Sergeant

富家子司马明恋上了小姨柳曼玲, 跟妻子曼娜感情破裂. 明的好友大侦探陈查礼劝明与曼娜到别墅小住, 藉此挽回夫妇间的感情. 明存心加害于曼娜, 于是藉辞尚要处理公司的公事, 着曼娜先行驾车到别墅等他. 期间, 曼娜前往探访查礼, 查礼赠送曼娜一朵白菊花, 祝愿夫妻共谐白首. 曼娜继续驾车前往别墅, 司马明竟先埋伏, 以汽车拦阻马路, 再将曼娜扼死, 然后把尸身和汽车一同推下山坡. 陈查礼得知曼娜失踪, 于是陪同明往警署报案. 期间, 明告知警方曼娜的大衣上插了一朵白菊花, 因而引起了查礼的怀疑, 推断出他实为凶手. 查礼故意让明误以为曼娜尚在人间, 引他到凶案现场寻找曼娜的失车, 然后带同警方前来捉拿明归案.

The wealthy man Cima Ming clearly is attracted to his live-in sister-in-law Liu Manling, but with his wife, Manna, there is a falling out. Ming’s great friend, the great Detective Charlie Chan, advises Ming and Manna to go to the villa of Xiao Zhu, to help the couple rescue their feelings for one another. Ming deliberately injures Manna, thereupon in disarray says farewell to Shang Yao to handle company business. Manna decides to drive to the villa to wait for him in advance. At that time, Manna goes to look for Charlie. Charlie gives Manna one white chrysanthemum, wishing the husband and wife will live together harmoniously. Manna continues to drive to go to the villa, but Cima Ming ambushes her first, blocking the car in the road, and again strangling Manna. He then pushes the car with the body inside down the hill. Charlie Chan learns that Manna is missing, thereupon the company understands that a case has been reported to the police department. At the time when Ming signalled police, one white chrysanthemum was in her overcoat, therefore the suspicion is put on Charlie, suggesting that he is the actual murderer. Charlie deliberately lets Ming hold the misconception that Manna is still alive, causing him to visit the car at the scene of the murder. Then a group of police arrive to take him into custody.

7. Hero of Our Time (1948) — Spoiler Alert

Here's the more complete info on this film.



Hero of Our Time (1948)
(A.K.A. Brave and Heroic Generation)
一代枭雄 (1948)

Production Company: 许立斋 Xu Production Studio

Producer: 毕虎 Hu Bi

Director: 毕虎 Hu Bi

Screenwriter : 毕虎 Hu Bi

Principal actors
白燕 Yan Bai — 陈美娜 Meina Chan
徐莘园 Ziyuan Xu — 陈查礼Charlie Chan
吕玉堃 Yukun Lu — 金百川 Jin-Yibai Chuan
王斑 Ban Wang — 探长Detective
姜明 Ming Jiang — 吴怀德 Wu Huaide
鹭红 Lu Hung — 董丽珠 Dong Lizhu
殷秀岑 Xiucen Yin
尤光照 Guangzhao You
周文彬 Wenbing Zhou
高第安 Gaodian
廖凡 Fan Liao

大侦探陈查礼奉富绅何广寿之命, 侦查其兄何广才跳楼自杀之谜. 查礼偕女儿美娜到广才的办公室调查, 始知广才实遭人谋杀. 查礼怀疑此案跟富商吴怀德有关, 于是派美娜暗中调查. 美娜跟踪怀德的女秘书董丽珠至火车站, 看见丽珠将一只皮箱交给神秘男子. 查礼与美娜追踪到郊外木屋, 夺得皮箱, 发现箱内全是伪钞. 怀德见事败, 本打算向警方供出伪钞集团的幕后主脑以求自保, 谁知集团主脑竟先发制人, 将怀德捉回贼巢. 此时, 美娜取得丽珠的线索, 追至贼巢, 却又遭奸徒暗算, 堕进地窖. 幸而查礼及时赶到, 揭发集团主脑原来是银行界巨子金百川, 而警方亦到场将伪钞集团一网打尽. 百川与怀德则死于枪弹之下.

The great detective Charlie Chan meets a wealthy member of the gentry, Guangzhou You, and investigates the riddle of the suicide of his elder brother, Guangcai You, who jumped from a building. Charlie, in the company of daughter Meina, is given broad latitude to investigate, but only at this point begin the real murders of the villains. Charlie suspects the wealthy businessman, Wu Huaide, so dispatches Meina on a secret investigation. Meina tracks Huaide’s female secretary, Dong Lizhu, to the train station, and sees her handing over a leather suitcase to a mysterious man. Charlie and Meina trace this to a wooden shack in the suburbs. Seizing the leather suitcase, they find it full of counterfeit money. To defeat Huaide’s plot, a plan is offered to the police — the backroom of the counterfeit money group secretly protects its leader, so whoever knows the group’s leader can unexpectedly to make first move and get control. To get Huaide to return to the nest of thieves now, Meina gets on Lizhu's trail to follow her back to the criminals’ hideout. She is captured by a henchman and taken into the cellar, but fortunately Charlie arrives in the nick of time. It is disclosed that the primary brain behind the operation is the banking tycoon Jin-Yibai Chuan. However, the police also arrive at the counterfeit money group hideout and catch the whole lot in a dragnet. Yibai Chuan and Huaide die under the bullet.

8. The Wise Charlie Chan Fights the Dark Monopoly (1948)

And here's the last one. Again, very little info online, but the title confirms that this is a Charlie Chan film to be sure.


The Wise Charlie Chan Fights the Dark Monopoly (1948)
陈查礼智斗黑霸王 (1948)
陈查理智斗黑霸王 (1948)

Production Company: 五洲影片公司 Wuzhou Film Company

Director: 毕虎 Hu Bi

Screenwriter : 毕虎 Hu Bi

Principal actors
徐莘园 Ziyuan Xu (Charlie Chan, presumably)
白燕 Yan Bai (Meina Chan, presumably)
殷秀岑 Xiucen Yin