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Chan Movies

It was so nice to see the Honorable Charlie Chan back on the television screen last week on TCM !!! Any one have any insight as to why we don't see these classics on as much as in years past. I can recall Chan weeks on a lot of TV stations in the past but..... Thank you so much!!!

Re: Chan Movies

There were several people who were virtually picketing Fox Movie Channel's Chan Marathon several years ago that stoped the airings of the Chan movies.

When Fox began airing the movies again that summer, the number of movies had been slashed and each was prefaced and concluded with a panel of these people.

They were/are entitled to their opinions of the Chan series but they seemed to frequently sound as if they hadn't even checked their facts, much less seen the same films that we were watching on Fox.

It's still hard for a lot of us to take such people seriously but we can rejoice that the Chan movies are out in the boxed sets and back on cable!!

Viva Charlie Chan y la familia Chan!!


Re: Re: Chan Movies

I still find it hard to believe that there are a lot of people out there that do this type of thing!! (picket)Obviously I am from the old school and am able to poke fun at myself and others and not take it too seriously. We have become a society that has to be politcally correct in every way and multicultural in everyway and protest everything!!!. But it is carried on to far sometimes I believe and it has hurt our society. These movies were made so long ago and hopefully the picketers can understand this and see that no ill will was meant and times have changed. Long live Oland and Toler!!! Anyone know if Layne Tom is still living??

Re: Chan Movies

Hi Peter,

Layne Tom is alive and well in his early 80s. He's interviewed on some of the bonus features on the Chan DVDs from Fox. They are well worth watching if you haven't seen them already.

I absolutely agree with your comments that society has become too politically correct.


Re: Re: Chan Movies

Thank you so much Steve for the information on Layne Tom. Great scene in CC in Honolulu with Tom on the back of the car as Jimmy Chan speeds to get on the freighter to "look for clues and things!!!" Classic line!!!!