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Re: Vol 5 press release and artwork

Dear Steve,

Thank you for giving us advanced word on the release of the fifth, and final, collection of Charlie Chan films from 20th Century-Fox. Several years ago, during the dark days of the cancelled Charlie Chan festival on Fox Movie Channel, few would have been optimistic enough to even think that these fine films would be commercially released for our enjoyment. Now, five years later, we will have available the complete catalog from Fox via five excellently produced and packaged DVD collections. I think that ALL Charlie Chan fans can be proud of the fact that their enthusiasm, expressed in many different ways, contributed to the eventual release of these movies.


FOX CHAN DVDs Complete, Will WARNER be next? Only Time Will Tell!

It is a dream come true. All of the Fox Chan's are now on DVD. Now if WARNER can find the proper film elements to release the remaining MONOGRAM CHANS on DVD but I have a feeling we won't ever see this. I have heard that WARNER has been planning this Charlie Chan DVD's for some time but just can't find suitable looking film prints. I hope not, as I hope to see the day when those BOOTLEG LEECHES will have to drop their DVD-R's of CHARLIE CHAN,