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Our Monday Evening Chat/Film Viewing: "The Red Dragon"

Tonight our tour through the entire Charlie Chan Series continues as we watch and discuss “The Red Dragon,” starring Sidney Toler. Please join us tonight for our Monday Evening Chat and Film Viewing as Charlie Chan travels south of the border to Mexico City to help a friend find the answers to a murder with international ramifications.

We begin, as usual, at 8:00 p.m., Eastern Time with arrivals and greetings and a trip to Virginia’s virtual beverage cart. Then, thirty minutes later, we begin running our personal copies of this very worthy film, which allows us to watch it together as our evening’s discussion progresses.

Our Chat Room is located HERE at our Charlie Chan Family Home. Please use any of the “Chat Room” links to join us.

Even if you do not happen to have a copy of our featured movie, please do join us, as you will NOT be left out of our ongoing chat and festivities. Also, as is our custom, newcomers are offered the seat of honor at our humble table.

So, let’s get together for another fun Monday evening as we watch “The Red Dragon.”

Rush Glick

Re: Our Monday Evening Chat/Film Viewing: "The Red Dragon"

I appreciated meeting everyone.

I particularly enjoyed your gracious hospitality and the lucious Chartreuse. (It's so rare to find a bar so well stocked as to have both the yellow and the green versions!) I hope I can stay longer next time - maybe have a second Chartreuse along with the popcorn (unbuttered please).

I will have to dig through my old VHS tapes to see if I still have any of the Monogram Chans. Otherwise, I'll have to remember the films on Mondays.

Re: Re: Our Monday Evening Chat/Film Viewing: "The Red Dragon"

That's how we've been known to do things here. There are times when we don't have that eveing's movie but we're still here anyway. We cover such a wide territory of subjects and . . . always! . . . have fun!
