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Charlie Chan In Paris (Artwork)

I was watching Charlie Chan in Paris the other night, just as I have watched it many times before, but this time it was different, something caught my eye in the film that had not before and I have this big question over it.
The actor that played the drunk in the film also played an artist. He drew a few drawings in what looked like pencil or charcoal stick and it appeared to be Keye Luke's style. Could it have been Keye Luke was the true artist of the movies drawings?

Re: Charlie Chan In Paris (Artwork)

why not join the chat room tonite. Maybe someone has an answer.

Re: Charlie Chan In Paris (Artwork)

Dear MW,

Good eye! Yes, I agree that these drawings supposedly made by Max Corday were almost certainly done by Keye Luke. He would have been the perfect choice for that task as he was an accomplished artist who, before appearing onscreen as Number One Son, Lee, produced publicity artwork for the Chan films for Fox. I also feel that the silly drawing that Lee is seen drawing of himself and a young lady in a boat in "Charlie Chan in Shanghai," was also produced by Mr. Luke.

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Rush Glick