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"Charlie Chan in Rio" screen title information

A few weeks ago, as we viewed "Charlie Chan in Rio" together during our Monday Evening Chat/Film Viewing, a gentleman from Rio, itself, Caulos, joined with us. When asked about the details of what appears in the screen title for the film, which shows a beautiful view of the city of Rio de Janiero, he was able to name a number of spots.

Included with the information for the film "Charlie Chan in Rio" at this humble site, we now have the notes provided by Caulos available for everyone to enjoy. Please take a look!

Thank you so much, Caulos...

Rush Glick

Re: "Charlie Chan in Rio" screen title information

It's wonderful how we continue to find new things still about these great films we so enjoy. Hat's off to the new info.

Re: "Charlie Chan in Rio" screen title information

Dear Rush,

Congratulations on a fine job of detailed research related to "Charlie Chan in Rio" (1941).

A special thank you to Caulos from Rio for sharing his knowledge about the Rio de Janiero coastline and famous landmarks with the Chan family during our August 31st viewing.

The indication marks on the title screen are the perfect touch. Just love the past and present images of Sugarloaf Mountain. 68 years later, it looks the same. How amazing.

Another great job of historical research related to our beloved Charlie Chan. Great job Rush. Thank you again Caulos.

Steve Fredrick