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Prep for Movies

As a "newbie" of sorts, I must admit I was a little (perhaps more than a little) hesitant to join an online chat. A rather conservative individual, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I must admit, I love the format, and look forward eagerly to each Mon evening session. It is not often I encounter anyone that enjoys "old" and vintage films as I do. Many years ago, I joined a library mystery book club (love those, also) and all became good friends. In the course of the book club, we would "expand" our theme to include murder mystery parties (which I also loved) and viewing of mystery movies (old, of course). Interestingly enough and true, when it was my turn to pick I selected a "Charlie Chan and chinese night" which consisted of take-out while we watched our pal CC. So you see, participating in the chat room does not have the clinical atmosphere of sitting alone in a room with a computer, but rather a feel of sitting on a comfortable couch on a evening with popcorn and old friends. Thanks so much for allowing me to be a part!

Re: Prep for Movies

Dear Susan,

You express perfectly, I believe, the spirit of our Monday Evening Chats. Yes, we focus on particular Charlie Chan movies, but, as when a group of friends and family gather together for any event, we have those moments when we lapse into a bit of light-hearted fun. Also, there are those times when one of our group, owing to our closeness and trust, might feel the need to reach out in a time of personal pain or distress. in those cases, our film can also provide a nice diversion.

Before I go on and get too wordy - as is my wont too often, I admit - I just want to again say how I feel you hit the proverbial nail on the head! Our Chats are certainly a group effort, and, as I always try to make clear, everyone present at our Monday evening get-togethers contributes to make our Chats what they are.


Re: Prep for Movies

A "prep"er after my own heart!

As you have discovered, there is no "one" type of person who is likely to join a book club, chat room, etct. except a passion for whatever draws people together!

We never know what's going to happen during our Monday Night Chats and that's one of things that keeps us coming back.

Especially during our Annual Halloween Party on the 26th where everyone can come in virtual masquerade as a Chan good OR bad guy!

Then on to our Melbourne Stakes and Charlie Chan at the Race Track!

So I'll see you all Monday Night!


Re: Prep for Movies

I'm with the others in stating we are happy you enjoyed the "Chat". I'm fair to say "New" myself and I actually grab some snacks and a "drink" and watch the film each week and enjoy the post from all. It's so much fun each week to have another way to enjoy CC with some great and interesting people. Please keep coming back I enjoy all the input.
