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Re: Hermine


Ah, the water is rising. It's time to build an ark. I recommend that you speak to a man named Noah. Start gathering up two of everything, i.e. two cats, two dogs, two lions (one named Oscar), and two Texans.

Seriously, I hope that you survive the crazy weather in your area. Or you can consider moving to Hawaii. We have earthquakes and volcanoes here.

Best of luck.


Re: Hermine

Thanks for the felicitaions but I know how to deal with our weather--crazy though it is . . . including the multiple tornadoes like occured with this storm, fires from lightning when it's not from things catching on fire from 100+ degree weather and Fort Worth is the hail capital of at leat the US. . . .

On second thought . . . excuse me while I go find where to take hula lessons . . . .


Re: Hermine

Dear Virginia,

I have been following the progress of that storm via news bits, and am very happy that you are faring well, everything considered. My hope is that all of our members and friends in affected areas have weathered the blow - and rains! - similarly.

Take care...stay dry...


Re: Hermine

I hope all is well with you now. Being here in Florida, I know what that is all about...