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Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing all my Chan friends a very Happy Thanksgiving.

I'm thankful for so much in life, but being able to share my passion of Charlie Chan with you all is something extra special.

Enjoy today, give thanks and eat like we do when we raid Virgina's virtual beverage cart!


Re: Happy Thanksgiving!

I would like to take a moment to second your sentiments, Matt. On this very special day, may we all be truly thankful for friends, family, and all those blessings in our lives that we so often take for granted in our very busy lives.

Thank you to all of you, our Charlie Chan Family, for sharing yourselves so graciously all the time, and for simply "being there" for those who may be passing through times of travail or sadness, and also for sharing your happiness as well as sharing in others' happy moments!

To all of you...Happy Thanksgiving!


Re: Happy Thanksgiving!

TYSM and the same to your family and the other s here.

Re: Happy Thanksgiving!

To One and All,

It has been a fascinating year exploring the adventures of Hawaii's Number One Detective, Charlie Chan. I am grateful to join the quest with my fellow Chan fans across the Mainland and from around the world.

Wishing you, and your respective families, the very best this holiday season.

With Aloha,

"Hawaii" Steve