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Are You Is (?)

Dear Folks at the Charlie Chan Message Board,
I recently renewned my acquaintance with a few Charlie Chan DVDs I've not watched for some time. I notice that when Roland Winters takes over, the scriptwriters sometimes have him say "are" instead of "is". I've not read any of Earl Derr Biggers' original Chan stories but believe (think I read somewhere) that this is, indeed, a characteristic trait to be found in the stories. Can anyone recall this locution in the Warner Oland or Sidney Toler films?--I certainly can't.
Best regards, Tom

Re: Are You Is (?)

Dear Tom,


Yes, I believe are correct there. What you note was unique to Roland Winter's interpretation of the character. It does seem that in preparing for his portion of the series, both writers and actor certainly read at least some of the Biggers Charlie Chan stories. Too bad, perhaps, that they didn't make an attempt at "Keeper of the Keys"! This was the one adventure that never made ot to the big screen.

Rush Glick