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"The Hong Show"

Just a brief note here to state that James Hong's "Hong Show" on Saturday night at Monsterpalooza in Burbank was a treat! Attendance was very good with, perhaps 250 people (living and "undead"!) in attendance. Some of the material (video material) was "recycled" from the show that he gave in Honolulu which I had the honor and great good fortune to attend with Hawaii Steve last summer.

Mr. Hong appeared first on stage in full costume and make-up as Lo Pan from "Big Trouble in Little China." There were also other people on stage who appeared with Mr. Hong in that movie. I will just sum up by repeating that it was a fun evening and a rare opportunity to see a true master of his craft at work, even when just having a good time with an appreciative audience!

Thank you so much, Number One Son, Barry!

Rush Glick

Re: "The Hong Show"

Dear Rush,

Glad to hear that Mr. Hong had a good turn out at MonsterPalooza in Burbank. It sounds like it was a great time for all who attended the Hong Show.

You are so right when you state that the audience had a chance to see a class act. Mr. Hong is part of that unique group of artists that like to please their fans.

Thank you for the quick review.
