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Charlie Chan and the Mystery of the Mansion Hideout

To all my fellow Chan fans - my daughter emailed me this link, and I thought that I should share it with you.

Please excuse any political facets to the article, but the Chan-iness of the article demanded that you all should check it out. It is fairly well done, aside from calling Jimmy #1 son.


Re: Charlie Chan and the Mystery of the Mansion Hideout

Aloha Diana,

An interesting parody of a Charlie Chan adventure. And more interesting are the questions that are raised in this informative/political satire. Hmm.

It appears the Charlie's English has improved slightly. He is speaking in complete sentences now.

Love the Chan-isms. Thank you for the link to an interesting/fun article.


BTW, the last part of the address is incorrect. The correct "address tag" is: .html

Re: Charlie Chan and the Mystery of the Mansion Hideout

Thanks Steve. I figured regardless of content anything THAT Chan-y should be posted here.

As for the address, I just cut and pasted it here, without checking what I pasted. It worked from my email, so thought that it was OK.


Re: Charlie Chan and the Mystery of the Mansion Hideout

Dear Diana,

Thank you for sharing this with us. Yes, I agree it was it was "Chan-y" enough to actually include in our Study. Very off-beat and political, yes, but it goes to illustrate that Charlie Chan can still appear in the most unusual ways and places!

If you want to give me your last name (, I will be happy to credit you with the find...

Rush Glick