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seeking models

Gambino Apparel is looking for 3 models. You need to be 5'9" or taller, no exceptions. We are looking for someone who looks and speaks Spanish. We are looking for an afro-American model. The final model must be blonde. We are doing four fashion shows in South Beach. The first show is at the Forge, Glass nightclub. Then Snatch, Touch and finally Mansion. We are also shooting a catalog, infomercial and billboard.

An interview will take place before we decide to use you. Your picture will not be enough for us to make a decision.
5'9" or taller
no visible tattoos or body piercing. piercing must be removable.
no boyfriends, husbands, escorts, chaperons at fittings, shoots period. If this is a problem, do not reply to this post. All fittings are done with our female staff.
You must have some runway experience.
Fashion show at clubs pay is $150 per night and you get to keep the outfit. Infomercial, catalog, billboard will be discussed if you are selected.
We will not be checking replies, so please email our spokesperson
Simona or

Thank You,

Gambino Staff