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Welcome to our Kissgirls Message Center.This message Board is intended for use by anyone having information that is related to Modeling and Beauty.We will monitor this Board closely and delete any message that is not appropriate.Links to PORN, NUDE or PAY SITES are not allowed.

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List Your Profile in worlds largest directory

World Model Directory is the largest resources of model database in the world.

Models are invited to create their own modeling portfolio in their own style - add profile, post images, leave note about experience, etc. Models can also edit their portfolio through the control panel - redo profile, add photos etc. Each and every model is provided with a unique user name and password.

Models can interact with other models and share their experience through secured personal message.

World Model Directory is viewed by Cast Manager in 240 countries.

World Model Directory is viral portal for both experienced and new models to exhibit their photos and reach millions and millions of web browsers in 240 countries.

Visit for further details.