Penny Lane Striders
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2017 AGM

The 2017 Annual General Meeting will take place on Monday 26th June at Aigburth Peoples Hall, starting at 7pm.

Further details - including instructions on how to propose amendments to the club constitution, or how to nominate members for a position on the club committee - were emailed out to paid-up members earlier today. If you have paid your 2017-18 membership but not received an e-mail, please let us know as soon as possible.


(Club Secretary)

Re: 2017 AGM

Just bumping this back to the top- if anybody wishes to propose an amendment to the club constitution please complete and return your form (emailed last month) by Monday 12th June.


Re: 2017 AGM

The same applies to any nominations to committee positions- these need to be with me by Mon 12th.

2017 AGM (deadline approaching)

Just getting this one back to the top since the deadline for nominations to committee positions and for proposals for amendments to the club constitution is tomorrow night (Mon 12th)

Re: 2017 AGM (deadline approaching)

Are there any of the committee stepping down ?

Re: 2017 AGM (deadline approaching)

The positions of Club Secretary and Membership Secretary will need filling

Re: 2017 AGM (deadline approaching)

I have sent my nomination for membership secretary to John over a week ago using link on email. I haven't had a reply

Re: 2017 AGM (deadline approaching)

Just bumping this back up to the top - the more people who can make it to the AGM the better.

Re: 2017 AGM Monday June 26th 2017

Just bringing this back to the top as it almost upon us.

The telly's rubbish on a Monday so come on down and have your say on how your club is run and who is running it

Action gets underway at Aigburth People's Hall at 7pm

2017 AGM June 26th 2017 - new committee

To advise members, the club held its 2017 AGM earlier this week.

The 2017/18 committee is :

Chair : Rachel Rick

President : Nigel Grant

Secretary : Sharon Samson

Treasurer : Andy Biddle

Ladies Captain : Helen Osborne (Helen will be supported in this role by vice captain Lauren Wilson)

Mens Captain : Andy Cantwell (Andy will be supported in this role by vice captain Colin Dobbs)

Social Secretary : Claire Meadows

Membership Secretary : Andy Keeley

Sharon and Andy K have replaced John Jensen and Chris Lee in their respective positions and the committee wishes to put on record its gratitude to John and Chris for the work they have done in the positions which they have relinquished.

As a result of Andy K's joining the committee, Simone Capponi takes over as Off Road Championship Manager while, just to confirm it's not just the Premiership which has an obsession with foreign managers, Cristina Puccini has agreed to carry on her excellent work as Cross Country manager