Shortest parkrun roundup ever - Sat 2nd
Penrith parkrun
16 15 Richard COSTAIN Penny Lane Striders 00:20:50
Crosby parkrun
1 1 Martin SWENSSON Penny Lane Striders 00:17:06
16 15 Andrew BIDDLE Penny Lane Striders 00:20:49
17 16 Michael O'ROURKE Penny Lane Striders 00:21:00
18 17 David WEBB Penny Lane Striders 00:21:15
34 33 Martin HIRRELL Penny Lane Striders 00:23:04
58 2 Ginny JOHNSON Penny Lane Striders 00:24:50
68 66 Rod JONES Penny Lane Striders 00:25:32
94 90 Anthony WOODS Penny Lane Striders 00:27:00
104 9 Carolyn KNOTT Penny Lane Striders 00:27:34
143 23 Joanne SUTHERLAND Penny Lane Striders 00:29:15
230 70 Debi MCMILLAN Penny Lane Striders 00:37:23
232 71 Jane WOODS Penny Lane Striders 00:37:39
Dolgellau parkrun
7 7 Ian SADLER Penny Lane Striders 00:21:48
3rd Feb
Croxteth Park XC
2 Martin Swensson O40M
15 Lawrence Eccles U40M
16 David Willshire U40M
19 Sam Evans U40M
21 Alex Cowin U40M
42 Phil Riding O40M
57 Michael O'Rourke U40M
62 Lee Warburton O45M
71 Ian Russell O50M
74 Andrew Biddle O40M
83 Andrew Keeley O55M
84 Nigel Foo O50M
85 Thomas Rimmer U40M
104 Nigel Grant O55M
114 Robert Porter O40M
128 Steve Pemberton O60M
137 Alan McDermott O50M
149 Anthony Peacock O60M
150 Tommy Burke O60M
151 James Roberts U40M
155 Joe McGlynn O60M
159 Tony Green O60M
162 Terry Lynch O50M
169 Andrew Bates U40M
186 David Mangan O60M
192 Tommy Gates O55M
5 Holly Bishton U30F
29 Lenka Vidamour U40F
31 Pamela Thurtle O40F
35 Sarah Jackson O40F
61 Laura Porter U40F
94 Claire Meadows O50F
The women 'just' need to finish 3rd or higher in the last race to win the team title. Sadly they finished 4th at Croxteth Park. The men have no chance of team honers, although they did manage to finish 3rd at Croxteth. The frozen ground made it more like running on tarmac than grass. There were a few water features to help remind people it was XC.
Full results at:
Weather when we arrived was light rain, but within 1 mile of starting the downpour and wind picked up.
Up hill was muddy and still ice on the paths, misty as you got higher up. Back down another path and it was ice free, but wind and rain straight into your face.
Course was cut slightly short as weather at the top was horrendous 3.3 miles
Really good race chip timed and £9.
Results... We only had three runners two of which took up a podium position :woman: :man: :muscle:
Lawrence Eccles 24:44 (second Male)
Charlotte Sanderson Rigby 34:41 (third female)
Nigel Foo 34:43
..NEXT RACE 26th FEB..
Mad Dog 10k - Southport, Sunday 3rd February 2019
Hopefully haven't missed anyone out as had to take the results from the PDF. Chip times and chip positions below. A couple of PB's I know about added. Well done to Supanki and Sarah!
6 Jay Clarke 35.48
36 Stephen Miller 39.19
46 Robert Eagles 39.51
145 Sara Kelly 44.20
220 Paul Brady 45.49
261 Steve Roden 46.37
336 Susan Burke 47.57
473 Brendan Murphy 49.47
581 Sarah Simons 51.01 PB
667 Rebecca Varnouse 52.08
685 Chris Probert 52.22
687 Nicky Lopez 52.23
923 Supanki Kamalanathan 54.47 PB
958 Joe Abbott 55.13
1327 Jo Sutherland 58.13
1328 Paul McMillan 58.14
1500 Adele Astle 59.51
1535 Vicki Witherspoon 1.00.12
1572 Becky Edge 1.00.30
1592 Laura Jones 1.00.44
1619 Inma Ruiz 1.00.58
2001 Lisa Mitchell 1.04.54
2365 Debi McMillan 1.10.35
Hi, a few of us missing from the Mad Dog 10k results - think this is all of us now though:
6 Jay Clarke 00:35:48
36 Stephen Miller 00:39:19
40 Robert Eagles 00:39:51
132 Sara Kelly 00:44:20
180 Paul Brady 00:45:49
260 Steve Roden 00:46:37
316 Susan Burke 00:47:57
353 Stuart Brandwood 00:48:21
422 Brendan Murphy 00:49:47
511 Sarah Simons 00:51:01
609 Rebecca Varnouse 00:52:08
616 Chris Probert 00:52:22
631 Nicky Lopez 00:52:23
848 Supanki Kamalanthan 00:54:47
1098 Joe Abbott 00:55:13
1323 Jo Sutherland 00:58:13
1324 Paul McMillan 00:58:14
1428 Matt Forshaw 00:58:30
1529 Laura Jones 01:00:44
1654 Adelle Astle 00:59:51
1688 Vicki Witherspoon 01:00:12
1716 Becky Edge 01:00:30
1814 Inma Ruiz 01:00:58
1955 Lisa Mitchell 01:04:54
2454 Debi McMillan 01:10:35
2683 Martina Rice 01:15:32
2728 Val Anderton 01:17:36
parkrun round-up
Newcastle parkrun
350 247 Steve HOLMES Penny Lane Striders 00:31:01
Coventry parkrun
205 24 Leanne MILLER Penny Lane Striders 00:25:43
Phoenix parkrun
3 3 David WEBB Penny Lane Striders 00:21:04
Knowsley parkrun
4 4 Steve RODEN Penny Lane Striders 00:22:22
22 17 Alan MOORE Penny Lane Striders 00:28:47
30 7 Michelle KELLY Penny Lane Striders 00:29:58
Minehead parkrun
39 7 Liz TURNER Penny Lane Striders 00:26:40
56 14 Sarah MEYERS Penny Lane Striders 00:28:26
Southport parkrun
96 15 Sarah RICHARDS Penny Lane Striders 00:25:50
Princes parkrun, Liverpool
6 6 Stephen WATKIN Penny Lane Striders 00:18:39
8 8 George BATEMAN Penny Lane Striders 00:19:10
17 17 Lee WARBURTON Penny Lane Striders 00:19:57
19 19 Phil RIDING Penny Lane Striders 00:20:11
26 26 Alan MCDERMOTT Penny Lane Striders 00:21:06
29 29 Colin WALSH Penny Lane Striders 00:21:11
30 30 Andrew KEELEY Penny Lane Striders 00:21:12
34 33 Ian SADLER Penny Lane Striders 00:21:33
42 3 Felicity PAWLING Penny Lane Striders 00:22:07
44 41 Trevor ASTELL Penny Lane Striders 00:22:15
48 45 Tony PEACOCK Penny Lane Striders 00:22:21
71 64 John BAMPTON Penny Lane Striders 00:23:28
72 8 Kathryn BRADLEY Penny Lane Striders 00:23:28
77 69 Dean Michael CONNOLLY Penny Lane Striders 00:23:36
85 75 David LYNAN Penny Lane Striders 00:23:43
86 76 Joe MCGLYNN Penny Lane Striders 00:23:44
101 89 Terry LYNCH Penny Lane Striders 00:24:14
114 100 Rod JONES Penny Lane Striders 00:24:44
124 108 Stephen DIPPLE Penny Lane Striders 00:25:03
126 18 Njideka AGWUNA Penny Lane Striders 00:25:06
152 128 Michael SHARKEY Penny Lane Striders 00:25:48
154 130 Chris PROBERT Penny Lane Striders 00:25:51
157 132 James STANSFIELD Penny Lane Striders 00:25:56
163 137 Matthew TOLLITT Penny Lane Striders 00:26:04
172 29 Anna WATKIN Penny Lane Striders 00:26:25
175 30 Kerry QUINTON Penny Lane Striders 00:26:32
179 147 Barry BRIGHT Penny Lane Striders 00:26:41
206 42 Ciara O'CONNOR Penny Lane Striders 00:27:49
209 44 Marie MOTLEY Penny Lane Striders 00:27:57
212 167 Brian HIGGINS Penny Lane Striders 00:28:05
213 168 Robert PORTER Penny Lane Striders 00:28:06
214 169 Mike WELSBY Penny Lane Striders 00:28:07
222 48 Nichola D'CRUZE Penny Lane Striders 00:28:20
228 51 Diane HENNIGAN Penny Lane Striders 00:28:25
231 179 Jonny MCHALE Penny Lane Striders 00:28:32
244 190 Anthony WOODS Penny Lane Striders 00:29:03
246 191 Mal TAYLOR Penny Lane Striders 00:29:04
248 57 Joanne SUTHERLAND Penny Lane Striders 00:29:12
250 192 Nigel FOO Penny Lane Striders 00:29:14
262 63 Laura PORTER Penny Lane Striders 00:29:43
264 65 Eunice NOPONDO Penny Lane Striders 00:29:45
273 69 Supanki KAMALANATHAN Penny Lane Striders 00:30:03
290 79 Riannah BROWN Penny Lane Striders 00:30:38
301 215 Jim GARVEY Penny Lane Striders 00:31:07
305 88 Amy EDWARDS Penny Lane Striders 00:31:11
317 96 Cheryl PACE Penny Lane Striders 00:31:40
322 100 Susan TOWNER Penny Lane Striders 00:31:49
344 236 Christopher SPRUCE Penny Lane Striders 00:32:43
349 111 Catherine Elizabeth NEVIN Penny Lane Striders 00:33:23
355 242 Adrian ROE Penny Lane Striders 00:33:36
358 115 Liz SIMPSON Penny Lane Striders 00:33:51
359 116 Soraya MEAH Penny Lane Striders 00:33:51
361 118 Joanne EDWARDS Penny Lane Striders 00:34:04
362 119 Debi MCMILLAN Penny Lane Striders 00:34:06
364 121 Jo GIBSON Penny Lane Striders 00:34:16
366 122 Jane WOODS Penny Lane Striders 00:34:20
386 139 Pauline FIELDING Penny Lane Striders 00:35:56
394 143 Val ANDERTON Penny Lane Striders 00:36:43
426 166 Wendy OSBORNE Penny Lane Striders 00:46:49
Victoria parkrun, Glasgow
88 81 Robert WOODHAM Penny Lane Striders 00:23:31
Widnes parkrun
26 24 Tony GREEN Penny Lane Striders 00:24:14
133 36 Lisa MITCHELL Penny Lane Striders 00:33:25
Croxteth Hall parkrun
67 59 John CLARKE Penny Lane Striders 00:24:10
109 93 Mark SKELTON Penny Lane Striders 00:26:27
120 100 Mark THOMAS Penny Lane Striders 00:27:11
148 29 Jane NICHOLSON Penny Lane Striders 00:28:04
152 31 Rachel RICK Penny Lane Striders 00:28:18
182 49 Anne OXBROUGH Penny Lane Striders 00:29:23
219 150 Keith BOYLE Penny Lane Striders 00:31:11
293 110 Kris HOWLEY Penny Lane Striders 00:34:59
396 172 Gillian Marie HOWARD Penny Lane Striders 00:47:55
The Wammy parkrun
38 35 Martin HIRRELL Penny Lane Striders 00:22:24
17 February 2019
Village Bakery Half Marathon, Wrexham
May be more PB's - but two noted below.
Tom Evans 1.18.33
Alex Cowin -1.18.49
Graham Douglas – 1.20.32
Luke Harrison – 1.23.31
Paul Riley – 1.29.32
David Lynan – 1.30.15
David Owens – 1.33.50
Lauren Wilson -1.34.52
Nigel Foo – 1.36.45
Kathyrn Bradley – 1.39.16 PB
Jerome Doyle – 1.40.17
Kathryn Sharkey – 1.40.20
Joanne Harrison – 1.41.21
Richard Stafford – 1.43.24 PB
Neil Hennigan -1.46.43
Diane Hennigan -1.46.43
Charlotte Sanderson-Rigby – 1.47.11
Steve Roden – 1.48.43
Annmarie Williams – 1.51.30
Julie Houghton – 1.52.32
Jane Nicholson -1.54.57
Gary Crockett – 2.00.32
Gareth Lyons – 2.00.53
Supanki Kamalanathan – 2.04.33
Claire Meadows – 2.10.45
Nadia Alrakami – 2.15.19
Jan Hughes – 2.19.53
Inma Ruiz – 2.31.14
parkrun round-up
Knowsley parkrun
2 2 Andrew BIDDLE Penny Lane Striders 00:20:31
7 2 Sharon SAMSON Penny Lane Striders 00:22:39
71 31 Lisa MITCHELL Penny Lane Striders 00:34:05
Newtown parkrun
50 39 Glyn HUGHES Penny Lane Striders 00:27:16
Gunnersbury parkrun
30 28 Andrew KEELEY Penny Lane Striders 00:19:46
Warrington parkrun
287 77 Supanki KAMALANATHAN Penny Lane Striders 00:29:37
Princes parkrun, Liverpool
4 4 Stephen WATKIN Penny Lane Striders 00:18:07
8 8 George BATEMAN Penny Lane Striders 00:18:37
11 11 Sean JONES Penny Lane Striders 00:19:00
17 17 Kieran BIRRELL Penny Lane Striders 00:20:13
29 29 Alan MCDERMOTT Penny Lane Striders 00:21:02
35 34 Ian SADLER Penny Lane Striders 00:21:21
36 35 Jerome DOYLE Penny Lane Striders 00:21:28
38 2 Liz TURNER Penny Lane Striders 00:21:32
48 44 Trevor ASTELL Penny Lane Striders 00:21:59
54 50 Tony PEACOCK Penny Lane Striders 00:22:20
70 64 Christopher SPRUCE Penny Lane Striders 00:22:53
71 65 Gregory HOCKING Penny Lane Striders 00:22:53
76 70 David LYNAN Penny Lane Striders 00:23:03
77 71 Dean Michael CONNOLLY Penny Lane Striders 00:23:05
94 88 Joe MCGLYNN Penny Lane Striders 00:23:37
111 99 Rod JONES Penny Lane Striders 00:24:06
131 112 Terry LYNCH Penny Lane Striders 00:24:33
144 119 Colin WALSH Penny Lane Striders 00:24:45
146 121 Michael SHARKEY Penny Lane Striders 00:24:49
152 28 Njideka AGWUNA Penny Lane Striders 00:25:12
155 29 Laura PORTER Penny Lane Striders 00:25:16
158 128 James ROBERTS Penny Lane Striders 00:25:19
162 132 Martin HIRRELL Penny Lane Striders 00:25:24
172 32 Kathryn BRADLEY Penny Lane Striders 00:25:44
181 35 Mary HEERY Penny Lane Striders 00:25:59
184 37 Rachel RICK Penny Lane Striders 00:26:04
188 151 Michael EAKIN Penny Lane Striders 00:26:14
198 40 Jane NICHOLSON Penny Lane Striders 00:26:23
212 42 Jo BRUCHEZ-CORBETT Penny Lane Striders 00:26:46
213 43 Anna WATKIN Penny Lane Striders 00:26:47
220 173 Steven MAGUIRE Penny Lane Striders 00:26:57
227 178 Barry BRIGHT Penny Lane Striders 00:27:12
228 179 Mal TAYLOR Penny Lane Striders 00:27:13
234 51 Diane HENNIGAN Penny Lane Striders 00:27:27
236 52 Ciara O'CONNOR Penny Lane Striders 00:27:28
237 185 Matthew TOLLITT Penny Lane Striders 00:27:29
238 186 Stephen CAIN Penny Lane Striders 00:27:31
252 61 Joanne SUTHERLAND Penny Lane Striders 00:27:56
254 193 Anthony WOODS Penny Lane Striders 00:27:59
258 63 Marie MOTLEY Penny Lane Striders 00:28:04
259 196 Mike WELSBY Penny Lane Striders 00:28:11
263 199 Robert PORTER Penny Lane Striders 00:28:26
268 203 Brian HIGGINS Penny Lane Striders 00:28:32
274 67 Paula STUART Penny Lane Striders 00:28:48
320 223 Adrian ROE Penny Lane Striders 00:30:15
337 232 Jim GARVEY Penny Lane Striders 00:30:47
348 112 Joanne EDWARDS Penny Lane Striders 00:31:35
349 113 Susan TOWNER Penny Lane Striders 00:31:38
350 114 Inma RUIZ Penny Lane Striders 00:31:39
356 118 Soraya MEAH Penny Lane Striders 00:31:59
380 133 Catherine Elizabeth NEVIN Penny Lane Striders 00:33:13
386 137 Karen CULSHAW Penny Lane Striders 00:33:27
389 138 Nichola D'CRUZE Penny Lane Striders 00:33:39
393 254 Vincent HESSEY Penny Lane Striders 00:33:57
409 147 Sarah MEYERS Penny Lane Striders 00:34:50
411 148 Kris HOWLEY Penny Lane Striders 00:35:11
413 150 Pauline FIELDING Penny Lane Striders 00:35:25
418 153 Wendy OSBORNE Penny Lane Striders 00:35:53
422 157 Val ANDERTON Penny Lane Striders 00:36:19
445 173 Jane WOODS Penny Lane Striders 00:38:21
Worsley Woods parkrun
134 12 Lucie MICHAELSON Penny Lane Striders 00:25:54
Citypark parkrun, Craigavon
67 63 Michael MCDONALD Penny Lane Striders 00:25:09
Antrim parkrun
223 108 Amy EDWARDS Penny Lane Striders 00:39:05
Cuerden Valley parkrun
187 61 Jo GIBSON Penny Lane Striders 00:35:56
St Anne’s parkrun
348 104 Sheila PLUNKETT Penny Lane Striders 00:28:48
Ruchill parkrun
20 14 Robert WOODHAM Penny Lane Striders 00:23:02
Fountains Abbey parkrun
69 63 Steve RODEN Penny Lane Striders 00:22:59
Widnes parkrun
8 8 Stephen MCNICHOLAS Penny Lane Striders 00:20:28
12 12 John BAMPTON Penny Lane Striders 00:21:08
115 25 Eunice NOPONDO Penny Lane Striders 00:28:55
Croxteth Hall parkrun
122 104 Mark SKELTON Penny Lane Striders 00:24:56
136 116 Mark THOMAS Penny Lane Striders 00:25:30
139 118 Carl NEWBY-HUGHES Penny Lane Striders 00:25:46
381 236 Colin O'BRIEN Penny Lane Striders 00:36:41
Birkenhead parkrun
22 21 David WEBB Penny Lane Striders 00:19:49
24 23 Richard COSTAIN Penny Lane Striders 00:20:05
Haigh Woodland parkrun
219 144 Daniel ARMSTRONG Penny Lane Striders 00:38:37
Stretford parkrun
116 17 Kate MACFARLANE Penny Lane Striders 00:22:16
Lancaster parkrun
338 212 Colin MONEYPENNY Penny Lane Striders 00:38:36
Hasenheide parkrun
60 48 Paul MCMILLAN Penny Lane Striders 00:27:44
106 45 Debi MCMILLAN Penny Lane Striders 00:35:18
Northwich parkrun
100 23 Cora COSTIGAN Penny Lane Striders 00:29:12
Off Road Championship
49th Parbold Hill Race, Lancashire
16th February 2019 (6.75 miles)
7 Lawrence Eccles MS 00:43:17
32 Phil Riding M40 00:49:09
48 Lee Warburton M45 00:49:55
69 Simone Capponi M40 00:51:24
96 Colin Walsh MS 00:53:47
104 Richard Costain MS 00:54:14
132 Michael O'Rourke MS 00:56:28
139 Michael Connor M55 00:56:42
173 Bailey Ewel FS 00:59:29
177 C. Sanderson-Rigby FS 01:00:01
194 Charlotte Rawcliffe F35 01:01:11
215 James Crowder MS 01:02:45
216 Tommy Burke M70 01:02:55
233 Nigel Foo M50 01:04:25
264 Oonagh Jaquest F40 01:06:25
271 Tony Green M60 01:06:51
284 Martin Hirrell M50 01:08:27
292 Andy Bates MS 01:09:01
309 Sarah Jackson F40 01:10:35
406 Andrew Richards M45 01:22:26
444 David Clarkson M70 01:28:56
Lawrence picked up a prize as 7th overall, the girls narrowly missed to a team win, behind the locals and got a shout out :astonished:
Goes to show how PLS women are taking over in this speciality...
Also, looking back at the results, it shows how us oldies are still teaching the youngsters how it's done (Tommy) :muscle:
Off road rocks :the_horns:
Terrain was pretty firm, which attracted a lot of fast runners.
The course is getting dumbed down every year more, this year they sacrificed the carpet jump, which will be sorely missed.
A stampede in the starting field, nobody got seriously injured thankfully, means they will have to rethink the starting arrangement for next year, or I can see HSE coming down with their axe without mercy, which would be a shame.
Next up Standish Hall Trail 10k, Sat 23.02 @14:30, online entry is full but more bibs are available on the day, in a first comes first basis.
Happy off road running
Wrexham Village Bakery Half Marathon.
Weather was fine slight head wind on the final 5 miles.
Not such a great finish area a bit small and no bag drop so you cant leave anything at the finish (start and finish in different areas.)
Well done all that ran and a few getting new PB's (Sorry if I missed anyone)
Tom Evans 01:18:33
Alex Cowin 01:18:49
Graham Douglas 01:20:32
Luke Harrison 01:23:31
Paul Riley 01:29:32
David Lynan 01:30:15 PB
David Owens 01:33:50
Lauren Wilson 01:34:53
Nigel Foo 01:36:45
Kathryn Bradley 01:39:16 PB
Ian Sadler 01:39:36
Jerome Doyle 01:40:17
Kathryn Sharkey 01:40:20
Joanne Harrison 01:41:21 PB
Richard Stafford 01:43:24 PB
Neil Hennigan 01:46:43
Diane Hennigan 01:46:43
Charlotte Sanderson-Rigby 01:47:11
Steve Roden 01:48:43
Annmarie Williams 01:51:30
Julie Houghton 01:52:32
Jane Nicholson 01:54:57
Gary Crockett 02:00:32
Gareth Lyons 02:00:53
Supanki Kamalanathan 02:04:33
Claire Meadows 02:10:45
Nadia Alrakami 02:15:19
Jan Hughes 02:19:53
Inma Ruiz 02:31:14
:muscle: :runner:
Rhyl 10 Miler
Richard Costain 1:11:38
Samantha Bentall 1:27:30
Jane Nicholson 1:28:11 (3rd F 55-59)
Carolyn Knott 1:30:24
Marie Motley 1:31:44
Paul McMillan 1:36:49
Rachel Rick 1:56:38
Debi McMillan 2:03:48
PB for me in Rhyl. I don’t often get PBs these days but I’ll have that one!
Standish Hall Trail race (ORC).
Great trail run through the woods and hills and a Wigan Pie to all finishes what more could you want.
David Webb 00:46:12
Nigel Foo 00:47:40
Richard Costain 00:48:37 (Richards second race of the day after Rhyl 10 Miler).
Charl Sanderson-Rigby 00:50:08
Oonagh Jaquest 00:53:22
Tony Green 00:53:41
Anne Oxbrough 01:03:36
Well done all....
parkrun round-up
Cardiff parkrun
225 205 David WADE Penny Lane Striders 00:23:30
Newtown parkrun
44 34 Glyn HUGHES Penny Lane Striders 00:26:35
77 23 Jan HUGHES Penny Lane Striders 00:29:42
Pennington Flash parkrun
87 11 Supanki KAMALANATHAN Penny Lane Striders 00:28:06
Princes parkrun, Liverpool
4 4 Stephen WATKIN Penny Lane Striders 00:18:15
6 6 Phil RIDING Penny Lane Striders 00:18:41
22 22 Andrew KEELEY Penny Lane Striders 00:20:01
31 30 John BAMPTON Penny Lane Striders 00:20:48
32 31 Alan MCDERMOTT Penny Lane Striders 00:20:49
38 37 Colin WALSH Penny Lane Striders 00:20:54
47 45 David MULLEN Penny Lane Striders 00:21:21
50 48 Kieran BIRRELL Penny Lane Striders 00:21:26
55 53 Ian SADLER Penny Lane Striders 00:21:40
63 60 Trevor ASTELL Penny Lane Striders 00:21:52
64 61 Steve HOLMES Penny Lane Striders 00:21:57
69 65 Tony PEACOCK Penny Lane Striders 00:22:05
105 95 James ROBERTS Penny Lane Striders 00:23:23
110 100 Stephen DIPPLE Penny Lane Striders 00:23:39
120 108 Joe MCGLYNN Penny Lane Striders 00:23:56
130 14 Andrea BOND Penny Lane Striders 00:24:09
134 15 Kathryn BRADLEY Penny Lane Striders 00:24:18
136 121 David LYNAN Penny Lane Striders 00:24:20
153 133 Chris PROBERT Penny Lane Striders 00:24:47
158 22 Lucie MICHAELSON Penny Lane Striders 00:24:59
167 144 Michael SHARKEY Penny Lane Striders 00:25:12
192 33 Njideka AGWUNA Penny Lane Striders 00:25:49
206 169 Barry BRIGHT Penny Lane Striders 00:26:23
211 172 Rod JONES Penny Lane Striders 00:26:33
220 178 David WEBB Penny Lane Striders 00:26:42
226 182 Tom OAKLEY Penny Lane Striders 00:26:47
229 46 Sheetal SHARMA Penny Lane Striders 00:26:54
232 185 Mike WELSBY Penny Lane Striders 00:26:57
265 61 Anne OXBROUGH Penny Lane Striders 00:27:50
266 62 Sarah MEYERS Penny Lane Striders 00:27:54
268 205 Christopher SPRUCE Penny Lane Striders 00:28:02
270 207 Craig HAWLEY Penny Lane Striders 00:28:05
279 212 Graham HUSSEY Penny Lane Striders 00:28:21
297 225 Anthony WOODS Penny Lane Striders 00:28:59
320 83 Eunice NOPONDO Penny Lane Striders 00:29:40
322 238 Bill SERGESON Penny Lane Striders 00:29:41
359 250 Adrian ROE Penny Lane Striders 00:30:41
371 117 Louise BURNS-LUNT Penny Lane Striders 00:30:51
377 255 Jonny MCHALE Penny Lane Striders 00:31:03
390 261 Dave OWENS Penny Lane Striders 00:31:24
397 133 Susan TOWNER Penny Lane Striders 00:31:46
399 134 Joanne EDWARDS Penny Lane Striders 00:31:50
401 136 Inma RUIZ Penny Lane Striders 00:31:53
406 139 Amy EDWARDS Penny Lane Striders 00:32:08
449 160 Jane WOODS Penny Lane Striders 00:34:17
451 162 Val ANDERTON Penny Lane Striders 00:34:24
452 163 Catherine Elizabeth NEVIN Penny Lane Striders 00:34:36
461 171 Kris HOWLEY Penny Lane Striders 00:34:57
465 173 Nichola D'CRUZE Penny Lane Striders 00:35:10
466 174 Paula STUART Penny Lane Striders 00:35:10
Wythenshawe parkrun
124 102 Michael EAKIN Penny Lane Striders 00:27:09
Southwark parkrun
233 67 Ciara O'CONNOR Penny Lane Striders 00:28:39
Castlewellan parkrun
45 11 Sara KELLY Penny Lane Striders 00:23:16
Ruchill parkrun
22 17 Robert WOODHAM Penny Lane Striders 00:23:02
Colby parkrun
9 9 Steve RODEN Penny Lane Striders 00:22:20
Kesgrave parkrun
255 90 Kerry QUINTON Penny Lane Striders 00:32:06
Widnes parkrun
25 25 Martin HIRRELL Penny Lane Striders 00:22:12
170 48 Lisa MITCHELL Penny Lane Striders 00:31:18
Croxteth Hall parkrun
16 16 Michael O'ROURKE Penny Lane Striders 00:19:46
99 89 Mark SKELTON Penny Lane Striders 00:23:58
105 95 Steve EARNSHAW Penny Lane Striders 00:24:20
276 207 Keith BOYLE Penny Lane Striders 00:31:09
394 248 Colin O'BRIEN Penny Lane Striders 00:36:39
Aldenham parkrun
23 23 Gregory HOCKING Penny Lane Striders 00:23:38
Birkenhead parkrun
144 18 Mary HEERY Penny Lane Striders 00:25:28
Haigh Woodland parkrun
193 125 Daniel ARMSTRONG Penny Lane Striders 00:37:21
Dolgellau parkrun
33 8 Michelle KELLY Penny Lane Striders 00:29:10
Hasenheide parkrun
40 8 Laura PORTER Penny Lane Striders 00:25:31
41 33 Robert PORTER Penny Lane Striders 00:25:32
Ford parkrun
93 39 Jo GIBSON Penny Lane Striders 00:36:59
Birchwood XC
3 Martin Swensson Penny Lane Striders O40M
17 David Willshire Penny Lane Striders U40M
20 Alex Cowin Penny Lane Striders U40M
30 Phil Riding Penny Lane Striders O40M
61 Andrew Keeley Penny Lane Striders O55M
63 Lee Warburton Penny Lane Striders O40M
69 Nigel Grant Penny Lane Striders O55M
74 Colin Walsh Penny Lane Striders U40M
79 Michael O'Rourke Penny Lane Striders U40M
102 Paul Riley Penny Lane Striders O45M
105 Robert Cooper Penny Lane Striders U40M
107 Nigel Foo Penny Lane Striders O50M
109 Alan McDermott Penny Lane Striders O50M
114 David Lynan Penny Lane Striders O45M
141 Anthony Peacock Penny Lane Striders O60M
148 James Roberts Penny Lane Striders U40M
149 Joe McGlynn Penny Lane Striders O60M
158 Steve Pemberton Penny Lane Striders O60M
162 Terry Lynch Penny Lane Striders O50M
172 Tony Green Penny Lane Striders O60M
2 Liz Turner Penny Lane Striders U40F
5 Holly Bishton Penny Lane Striders U30F
20 Kathryn Bradley Penny Lane Striders U30F
24 Sharon Samson Penny Lane Striders U40F
28 Pamela Thurtle Penny Lane Striders O40F
33 Lenka Vidamour Penny Lane Striders U40F
40 Ginny Johnson Penny Lane Striders O40F
49 Annmarie Williams Penny Lane Striders O40F
65 Anne Oxbrough Penny Lane Striders U40F
66 Cristina Puccini Penny Lane Striders O50F
81 Claire Meadows Penny Lane Striders O50F
Men 3rd on the day and 3rd Overall
Women 2nd on the day and CHAMPIONS Overall
24th February
17 miles or so in the Clwydian hills.
7th Lawrence Eccles 02:54:24
34th Simone Capponi 03:24:33
Stunningly beautiful weather made the challenge of this race different than I expected. By the end of the race I had taken the lids of my water bottles in the hope of getting a little extra water out. The expected challenge was the navigation. Simone had done some reconisanse trips. I did a post work trip around sections, but I'm not sure I learnt anything in the darkness. It was interesting to see the route choices could be very different, but not give a massively dissimilar result. I suppose it's hard to get lost when it's so sunny. I did still manage to run in to thick gorse, but rather than turn back I pushed through at the expense of 100 splinters and a punctured sis gel. All good fun for £8 including post race chilli soup, bread, tea and cake.
Wrexham 10 miler
Richard Costain 1:11:18
Sam Bental 1:27:30
Jane Nicholson 1:28:11
Carolyn Knott 1:30:24
Marie Motley 1:31:44
Paul McMillan 1:36:49
Rachel Rick 1:56:38
Debi McMillan 2:03:48
Not as windy as previous races, bur properly warm. And if your friends say ‘are you sure you should be running’, that means ‘don’t run, you eejit’...
Moel Fenlli Evening Fell Race
Great conditions for this evening's race.
Just over 3.5 miles up n down Moel Fenlli :snow_capped_mountain:
Nigel Foo 36:09
Charlotte Sanderson-Rigby 41:29
Next ones 26th March up Moel Y Parc and should be reasonably light for the start at least.
Rachel Rick, we were definitely all in Rhyl, not Wrexham! đ
Lancaster valentine's 10k
Nice, fast and flat course.
Robert Porter 45.47
Laura Porter 50.15.
Grizedale 13 Trail Half Marathon
Richard Costain 1:59:52
A fun & icy run through Grizedale Forest and over the tops overlooking Coniston. Highly recommend!
Bramley 20 Miler
Richard Costain 2:43:02
A disastrous but necessary training run pre-Tokyo.
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