Jo: Gun:2.05.42 Chip:2.05.27
Brian Higgins has the same times as me.. gun 2.05.42 Chip: 2.05.27
A race results (17miles) Lenka Vidamour- 2:48 (3rd age cat) Tony Man - 2:55 Rebecca Bancroft - 4:30 B race results (11 miles) Michael O'Connor- 1:35 (5th age cat) James Crowder - 1:51 Hannah Norris - 1:55(7th age cat) Jo Bruchez - Corbett 2:05 Rod Jones - 2:05 Hopefully I didn't miss anyone out. Well done all it was bit of everything today, too warm, too wet and too cornfield :grinning: !
Well done everyone!!!