**Important – Training from Next Tuesday 21 Sept**
Hello everyone.
Good news, as of next Tuesday we have rehired the sports hall at Garston from 6-7pm. Therefore, we will be able to meet as usual for announcements etc from 6:45.
A few points to note…
In the past the hall has got quite busy and this has led to folks queuing in the corridor/lingering in reception – can we please not do this. It is important that we do not ‘clog up’ the Centre – if you wish to hear the announcements please come in! If you are late or just want to chat / warm up please do so outside – do not hang around in the centre or block the entrance.
The winter training plans for road and ORC will soon be on the website and we will no longer be using the parks until the spring (meaning a welcome return to the ‘Square’). As previously unless otherwise stated all groups will meet at Garston.
You will have no doubt noticed that autumn is in full swing and it is dark by the time training has finished. Now is the time to ditch that trendy black training top and dig out your hi-viz gear and/or head torches. The Committee and Run Leaders can not stress how important this is especially now that all road training is now on the streets rather than in the parks.