Hi all, we have now made the booking for Sundays XC at Clarke's gardens. Just a note that there will be no tent or flag, as neither myself, Charlotte or Nigel can attend. If you are really keen, then please arrange to pick it from Nigel Grant at some point this week. It will need drying out before returning if it rains or if the ground is wet.
Best of luck. A reminder of the details below, cheers, Anne
The Liverpool & District Cross Country Union are holding their 118th championships at Clarkes Garden on Sunday 6th March 2022 with an 11am start. The championships will consist of one race both men and women will compete in the same event. In the senior men’s event awards will be presented to the first 3 plus first in age groups and the first 3 teams with 6 to score. In the senior women’s event awards will be presented to the first 3 plus first in age groups and the first 3 teams with 3 to score.