Some fabulous off road training on offer this week!
Some fabulous off road training on in the coming weeks:
Thursday - Frodsham, 7pm at Frodsham Hill carpark WA6 6BG. If small car park is full you should be OK in the Best Western just 100m away. G1-2: 6-7 miles with Michael O'Rourke, G3-4: ~6 miles with Lenka Vidamour, G5-6: 4 ish miles with me. All experience levels welcome. This will be great for off road beginners for try some short but steep hilly terrain (I usually walk them!) and seasoned off roaders know what Frodsham is all about :). Covers much of the terrain/route of the Robbie Webster Wobbler.
Saturday 11th June (*changed from 29th May due to Liverpool FC parade)- Thurtaston and Royden Park, 8am. Wirral Country Park at Thurtaston CH61 0HN. 9.5 miles of sometimes undulating Wirral footpaths led by Marie Motley. All abilities are welcome with front runners looping back for a bit of extra distance at their own pace.
For both, let us know if you are coming so we can ensure sufficient leaders. Post also for car shares :)