Penny Lane Striders
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VLM Fundraising 5K for Children With Cancer UK

I am thinking of organising a 5K race to fundraise for Children With Cancer UK for my Charity place for VLM 2014. I was thinking of a Midweek early evening time for the event possibly early March.I was also thinking of the Lamplight 5K route as its lit up along the prom and is accurately measured. I will keep the cost relatively small (around £3 per entry) with all the proceeds going direct to the charity. Are many Striders interested in this.This race will be open to any other Running Clubs and individuals too I also require further information about putting the race on . Number of marshalls required etc. Do I need to ask for permission from Council etc as Ive never done this before. Please let me know Thanks Lyndon

Re: VLM Fundraising 5K for Children With Cancer UK

Sounds nice Lyndon. Why don't you talk to John Kelly or Dale for some advice.

Maybe we could do this instead of efforts one Tuesday like we do with the lamplight.

Re: VLM Fundraising 5K for Children With Cancer UK

Absolutely - great idea Lyndon.

Re: VLM Fundraising 5K for Children With Cancer UK

Lyndon i have sent you some advice on organisation via facebook. personally i hope your fundraising goes well, i sponsored you a few weeks ago. However thinking as a comittee member my imediate concern on replacing a club night with an event for a worthy cause is once it has been done then how could we refuse other people with similar good causes the same privelidge. Down the line we could end up with a very messy situation. for this reason it is best to avoid going along this path in the first place.
Another point i must make is that traditionally the use of the forum for fundraising has been discouraged after experience of the matter getting almost out of control at a time when the club had much fewer members and therefore fewer people fundraising. Another tricky question is how do we judge who's cause is more worthy of the clubs backing.
That said i wish you luck with your fundraising. i am always available if you want any advice