Penny Lane Striders
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Northern XC Champs - Knowsley Safari Park 25/01/2014 - Marshals required

Local Clubs are being asked to provide a couple of volunteers each to help marshal at these championships which incorporate junior age group races as well as the senior mens and womens events. Its a great opportunity to give something back to the sport, to support Team PLS in the senior event and to see some of the country's top runners in action. Email me or post here if you can help. There's a packed lunch for all volunteers! Cheers

Re: Northern XC Champs - Knowsley Safari Park 25/01/2014 - Marshals required

Tim do you have any details of timings (for the marshals). I would like to help but likely to be unavailable until 14:30ish. Not sure if it may even be all over by then.

Re: Northern XC Champs - Knowsley Safari Park 25/01/2014 - Marshals required

Ime available to Marshall if still needed.

Re: Northern XC Champs - Knowsley Safari Park 25/01/2014 - Marshals required

Hi Cristina
races start at 11.00am and the final race - the Senior Mens is at 3.05pm so it will be virtually all over before you can make it, so don't worry.
I've got a couple of people who have volunteered so the club will be seen to be doing its duty. Thanks anyway.

Re: Northern XC Champs - Knowsley Safari Park 25/01/2014 - Marshals required

Thanks Lyndon - that's great. I'll be in touch with the details in the next couple of days.