Penny Lane Striders
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Four villages

For those who have not run this before here is a bit of info. In the first six miles there are a few gradual inclines and slight downhill which balance each other out. from around 6.5 mile you are pretty much going uphill till mile 10.5 then a steep downhill, a small incline and then downhill all the way to the finish. basically get to 10.5 and you've cracked it

Looking forward to seeing black and white vests all over the place

Re: Four villages

And if anyone is aiming to crack a time and/or pb (of course you all are) and looking for maybe sub 2hrs or 1:50 I'm happy to pace. Post here or give me a shout on Sunday

Re: Four villages

I can personally vouch for Rob's pacing skills!!

Expert Level by the way, give it a go!

Re: Four villages

Elevation graph on the Penny Lane Striders Facebook page if you're interested in that sort of thing.