Membership News
Strider of the Month
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If you have a race report or article that you would like included now is the time to speak. In fact it would be good if you did because this time I have not had the time to go round asking people for content, and it is therefore quite thin on the ground.
I have a bit of a last minute proposition though, since the one about mileage and training goals went down so well:
Emma Lawton had a cracking idea a while back. Collectively we must have amassed a heap of bizarre running mishaps/injuries etc. (Mike R finishing a race in a wheelchair springs to mind, and the least said about Keith Boyle's nipples probably the better but then again why not). Send me your tale of woe (better still a picture - Ste Mac's at the snowy Winter Gallop a couple of years back, anyone?)and I promise to treat you with the tact and consideration for which I'm known by well, everyone who knows me.
Come on Striders, it doesn't write itself you know