...And that's all, folks! Well, for this season at least...
Fantastic performance at Birchwood XC today, lads were 1st on the day and retained 2nd position overall, led home by the beautiful Martin Swensson who, when he lapped me on his way to the finish, sounded like he was out for a walk in the park. Brilliant job by all the other counters Lawrence Eccles, Neil Kelly, Neil Bullock, Ian Russell and Jonathan Toft who made sure we were the best team in exotic Birchwood Forest Park.
Martin won the individual trophy today - photo of Martin & trophy to follow!
Women didn't do quite as well in terms of result today - team finished 7th on the day and 5th overall - but dear me didn't the team put in some work! Kathryn Sharkey concluded a superbly successful first xc season and Pamela Thurtle put in a fantastic effort on a day when she felt like doing anything but that. It's performances like these that make all the difference for the club, we're all good at being motivated when it feels easy. It takes a special person to still turn up and make the effort when it's not.
Finally thanks to everyone else who turned up to run, cheer and help out with the results. It's right a proper to make a fuss of the people who make the results but everyone contributes by turning up and supporting the teams!
Onwards an upwards for next year and don't forget Penny Lane Wine bar later! Make sure to do your hair and make up, I want to take photos.
Re: ...And that's all, folks! Well, for this season at least...
Fantastic day - our ladies were far less screamy than other clubs! Glad it wasn't raining, but had a brilliant time - and Martin Svensson only lapped me once. Result!
Particular thanks to Simo for taking a gang of us, and waiting for me - hope car not too full of Birchwood mud!