Penny Lane Striders
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It has come to my attention that mick the security guard at garston has been made redundant as part of the latest wave of cuts.
Mick has always gone the extra mile looking after our cars and bikes. He was always out being pro active in watchng the car park through the winter months. I always felt my vehicle was safe with mick around. If you know mick and would like to thank him for looking after us i will be at the club on tuesday with a collection jar

Re: Mick-security

This kind of thing really winds me up.

The guy probably wasn't on much more than the minimum wage, and no doubt got his fair share of stick from scallies.

Yet if his absence makes the car park less safe it's inevitable less people will use Garston meaning its income will fall, probably by a lot more than it would have cost to keep Mick.

Another cut forced on the Council by a heartless Government which couldn't give a t**s about this city.

Re: Mick-security

I completely agree with you Nige.

Re: Mick-security

Well said Nige - i wonder how long the rest of the council gyms themselves have got left.... Everton Park & Stebble St may just be the start

Re: Mick-security

maybe we should present him with one of our sweatshirts
as a thank you

Re: Mick-security

Sorry i could not make it tonight (stuck in manchester)
will be at the club on thursday with the tin. good idea marty

Re: Mick-security

I wil be at the club tonight

Re: Mick-security

I may have got my wires crossed over the finer details of micks departure as there seems to be another firm ding security at garston, probably a cheaper one. anyway you have raised £55 as a parting gift to mick who has done a grat job for us over the years so thank you all for that. the comittee agreed that the club is giving him a penny lane top. thats the nearest we get to dising out honary membership i think. so good luck in the future mick