Penny Lane Striders
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Race Winner!

A great run from Neil Kelly saw him bring the black & white of PLS home in FIRST place in the Montane Trail 10k in a pretty wild Grizedale Forest on Sun 23 Feb!

1. Neil Kelly 40:26
12. Rob Hardwick 48:13

Very wet, very windy, very nice soup at the end. 117 finishers

Re: Race Winner!

Great achievement - more good PR for the club. Martin didn't race at the weekend so you might be able to get your story in the space he normally occupies in the Echo (but don't count on it!)

Re: Race Winner!

Well done. Oddly this race was blamed for the Endurance store not having the key to the car park as a member of staff had decided to take it to Grizedale. I don't think the Echo will report on the success; we shall see.

Re: Race Winner!

Just to give a bit of context, in case you didn't read the results thread...
Lawrence got locked in a car park and made Cristina miss on yet another amazing performance and first prize at Standish multiterrain race!

forget the Echo, they even had an article about me (true story)... you belong to RW!


Re: Race Winner!

what highs and lows we experience as runners. one week questions are being asked about your obsticle negotiation tecnique, the next you romp to victory.
Well done

Re: Race Winner!

Well done Neil. Brilliant effort!

Re: Race Winner!

Well done Neil! And Rob. Like Martin says, woo hoo!

Re: Race Winner!

Well Done Neil and Rob

Re: Race Winner!

That's a sure fire way to be a team counter, outstanding Neil!

Re: Race Winner!

standard must have been shocking !!