Penny Lane Striders
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North West Cross Country Sunday League fixtures 2015-16

Cross Country Fixtures for 2015-15 Sunday League:

1 Nov - PLS Clarkes Gardens
8 Nov - Knowsley Stadt Moers
22 Nov - Skem Beacon Park
13 Dec - Warrington RR Runcorn
3 Jan - Pensby Arrow Park
21 Feb - Spectrum Birchwood

Full details of the Sunday League, Liverpool and District and other major xc events in the September issue of The Striding Report out later tonight.

Re: North West Cross Country Sunday League fixtures 2015-16

Hi Cristina. I take it all the above fixtures are 10am start?
Santa Dash this year (6th Dec) won't clash. Not that I will be doing it!

Re: North West Cross Country Sunday League fixtures 2015-16

I can make them all bar one this year, yeppie!
it's the mud fest that anybody who has tried it once got hooked up forever since!
ask the swenssonator if you don't believe me ;-D

clear your calendar, DO NOT MISS IT for the world!

Re: North West Cross Country Sunday League fixtures 2015-16

50P = a great race,a chocolate, sandwiches (lots of them), tea or coffee, free race photography (usually) and a great day out!! I cant wait

Re: North West Cross Country Sunday League fixtures 2015-16

@ Tony

Yes all races are 10am start

Re: North West Cross Country Sunday League fixtures 2015-16

Bringing this back to the top since we're getting closer!

If you are a new member of Penny Lane Striders and this is your first cross country season please email me your name and date of birth at

so I can get you added to the results database