I am going from Woolton and have one (maybe two spaces left in my car). Probably leave about 11.15 to 11.30 to ensure that we are there in enough time for ladies race (start time at 1.15pm and plenty of time to warm up.
Hi Sharon, just confirming that we're okay to car share on Saturday. Just let me know where you would like me to meet you. Thanks again for the offer, much appreciated.
Does anyone want to meet at Garston 11:30ish? Space for 4 people. Have to get to Edge Hill early enough to collect numbers, sort teams etc. hence earlyish start.
Please let me know here or email me. Phone is in for repairs so please don't text.
Men start @1430, therefore I am very happy to pick up @Garston @1230 if anybody needs a lift, 3-4 spaces available in my car...
That way there's plenty of time for get our bearings, pick up bibs etc...
Hi Simo.......quick shout to see if any spare seats in your car tmrw? Happy to share for petrol etc. Apols for late request, but had a few phone issues in past 24hrs. Thanks, Ste