Penny Lane Striders
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XC Session Saturday 24th @ 10.15am

Graham has kindly offered to run another XC session this Saturday at 10.15am meeting in Pub in the Park car park.

Please can you be ready to start the session promptly and it should last about an hour.

Cristina has also asked if there are any volunteers to assist with a bit of gardening. This will involve walking the course and cutting back any overgrowth, she will be meeting after the session so approximately 11.15am. Please let her know if you can help.

Good luck to anyone running in the L&D race at Beacon Park, Skem at 2pm this Saturday.

Re: XC Session Saturday 24th @ 10.15am

You can reply here if you can help with a bit of shrub trimming around the course. Meet at the gate on Woolton Road (by the Start/Finish area of the race on the field where we do summer efforts) at 11:15ish.

Many hands make light work
