Northern 12 and 6 Stage Relays, Sunderland, Saturday 2nd April
Evening Penny Lane Striders,
The Northern 12 and 6 Stage relays are fast approaching so we need to start looking at the interest levels for the event. This year they are in Sunderland on Saturday 2nd April and as you may, or may not, know the teams are made of 12 for the men's competition and 6 for the women's event. If the interest is high enough, more than one team can be entered.
These are always a great day out and provide a chance to compete against some of the highest quality athletes in the country. Do not let that put you off though as that is one of the highlights of these events!
With timescales being tight, can you respond to this message, or to its cousin over on the Facebook group, if you are interested. Ladies and gents, as the deadline for entries is quite close, can you please only register your interest if you are a definite 'yes'?
I will have a quick dig around for some further details and add them as soon as I can.
Thanks in advance, happy running! X