Apologies for the long post - Information on Penny Lane Membership fees - before we go live with the Membership Renewals for 2016/17 (and you get sick of me nagging you all for three months about renewing your memberships again), after our recent Committee meeting we thought it was important to set out how the membership fee is broken down.
Since I have been Membership Secretary the annual fee has been £25 for waged and £15 for unwaged/students and this was it - no weekly or sessional fees unlike other running clubs in the area.
For 2016/17 we are again holding the fees at the same level.
To help you understand how this fee is put together, it is made up of two elements - our own actual membership fee and the cost for you to be affiliated to Uk Athletics which gives you your discounts when entering races. Over the past two years there have been £1 increases by UKA in their affiliation cost so that for 2016/17 it now stands at £13 per person. We have absorbed this additional cost rather than pass it on to members, effectively reducing the club membership fee each time - so for 2016/17 your actual club fee is now £12 waged or £2 unwaged/student, with the rest of the cost being UKA affiliation. It is this amount that actually stays with the club and is used on costs such as sports hall hire, website costs, pre-ordering of vests, putting people through group leaders courses, club affiliation to UKA etc, etc
We hope this represents good value for your money for you all, and so when the renewals open up on webcollect please can you go through that process fairly promptly? Either that or you'll have to put up with me at every session reminding you again and again!
I'm aiming to have them open as soon as possible this week and will post again when I do. Thanks for taking the time to read this