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TONIGHT's Chat/Film Viewing: "Charlie Chan at the Olympics"

Please accept this invitation to join with us for our Monday Evening Chat/Film Viewing as we watch and discuss “Charlie Chan at the Olympics,” starring Warner Oland. In Honolulu, a plane with an experimental, top secret device on board disappears. This soon becomes a case of murder and international espionage. Charlie Chan follows a very treacherous trail from his oun tropical backyard to the Olympic games in Berlin Germany!

We begin, as usual, at 8:00 p.m., Eastern Time with arrivals and greetings and a trip to Virginia’s virtual beverage cart. Then, thirty minutes later, we begin running our personal copies of this very worthy film, which allows us to watch it together as our evening’s discussion progresses.

Our Chat Room is located HERE at our Charlie Chan Family Home. Please use any of the “Chat Room” links to join us.

Even if you do not happen to have a copy of our featured movie, please do join us, as you will NOT be left out of our ongoing chat and festivities. Also, as is our custom, newcomers are offered the seat of honor at our humble table.

So, let’s get together for yet another fun Monday evening as we gather to watch “Charlie Chan at the Olympics.”

(PLEASE NOTE: If you would like to receive weekly email announcements regarding our Monday Evening Chats, as well as receive high-quality scanned movie still images (one per week) from our films of the week, please email us at:

Rush Glick

Re: TONIGHT's Chat/Film Viewing: "Charlie Chan at the Olympics"

Hi everyone there across the Atlantic,

I just wanted to say that last night - though quite late for me - was amazing!

We talked about the Hindenburg blimp and that the fact that it wasn't filled with helium but 'with some other stuff' caused the explosion.
I found the programme on youtube (in German but still...) and would like to post the link here:

For those of you who are not THAT familiar with German , here some points of what is said between 3:40 and 4:40:

* the Nazis wanted to show off with everything huge and gigantic --> built the Hindenburg
* very soon controlled the construction of blimps and required that blimps would be used for propaganda trips
* Hitler wanted to demonstrate his power in the US with the swastika on the Hindenburg --> the Americans strongly disliked this idea; so they no longer supported Germany and stopped their deliveries of helium
* 200 000 cubic metres of highly explosive hydrogen was used...

and at the end the widow of a scientist says:
* most likely reason for explosion: static sparking; apparently they had used the wrong painting, so the blimp suffered from static charge during the thunderstorm that delayed their landing for 5 hours
* that was never admitted in public because it would have meant that the 'great nation Germany' had made such a fatal mistake.

Hopefully cu soon!
(the German_viewer)

Re: TONIGHT's Chat/Film Viewing: "Charlie Chan at the Olympics"

I think I can speak for everybody else in the chat room last night:

We usually have fun with our Chan movies and always enjoy greeting newbies to our ranks but you added a very lovely grace note last night.

The only way to make last night even more special is that you could gives us "You are there!" insight to world history, bringing even more to our Olympic viewing.

Wir haben es geliebt.

Danke shoen.

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