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1987 GTC

their are 3 switches to the left on the dash two are 3 position and one is 2 position can anyone tell me what each switch does------Thank You

Re: 1987 GTC

The two position on/off switch is for the rear window defroster. One 3 position is for, headlights/ off /parking lights and the other is for dashboard lights , bright/ off / dim.

Re: 1987 GTC

Oh now that makes sense -very good --Thank you very much---I'm doing A ground up resto on our GTC and as I go I'm changing everything I can to Type 1 --I even put in A stock brake master cylinder -- A type 1 new swingarm trans-- and as I go making it all Type 1---- so that it will make it easy to change out stuff in the future. Thank You again Harvey