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Steering Wheel

The previous owner installed an aftermarket steering wheel in my 83 puma that’s too small with a hacked hub assembly. Does anyone know what size and offset was original and if it’s a standard air cooled beetle hub assembly. Thanks Jim

Re: Steering Wheel

I can measure my original wheel for you.

Mine has the steering axle replaced from a later VW, I have the same issue, I need an adapter from my axle to my steering wheel, but do not know what I"m looking for....

Re: Steering Wheel

Did you find an adapter? Similar situation, I bought a NRG steering wheel with 6 holes, but the 6 holes don’t match the 6 on the old aftermarket steering hub on my Puma. I’m not sure if the steering column is the same as other VW’s so that I can search for a hub that will fit properly and also fit the new steering wheel..