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PUMA Fuses

I blew a fuse getting my 1977 Puma running after 30+years. The fuse was in the #8 position. I can't glean from the schematic what amp is for each fuse - they are all white ceramic barrel fuses.

Apparently new white ceramic fuses are 8 amp - but the parts book shows two (2) 15 amp and six (6) 8 amp fuses. The one that blew shows a big 1 then a smaller 5 and an A. So I guess it is a 15A fuse, but it is white.

Did the ceramic fuse colors change in the last 30 years???. I cannot get a ceramic 15A fuse only a RED 16A.

Before I do something stupid: Is the #8 position on the fuse block (position closest to the door) a 15A fuse, and if so is it OK to replace with a 16A?

I did jumper a 15A fuse to see if things work - they do!
