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Sanding fiberglass body for repaint ?

Hi , do I need to do anything special to sand down the body for repaint ?

Is there a gel coat and what color is it ?

I read somewhere that you need to sand into the gel coat to give a place for the new paint to grip ,

And what grit sand paper do I need to use ?

Thanks for your advise

Re: Sanding fiberglass body for repaint ?

Shouldn't be any different than painting a Corvette. If you google it you should be able to find a number of videos. Also a few years ago there was an an extensive Puma resto that had a site.
Good luck!
Best regards,

Re: Sanding fiberglass body for repaint ?

The page with the Puma GTC extensive restoration is

Re: Sanding fiberglass body for repaint ?

I had mine media blasted because I couldn't get thirty seconds on a sanding pad without it clogging up. The paint used by the factory was Acrylic Enamel and it was laid on pretty thick. Had a little better result with a heat gun but still took a ton of time.

Re: Sanding fiberglass body for repaint ?

Do you mean soda blasted?
Best regards,