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Re: Puma front bumpers

Martin, I am also need a set of chrome front bumpers for my 1975 Puma.
Can you assist?
How is the quality and availability from Brazil?
I dont think Puma SA have them available.

Re: Puma front bumpers

Hi Pieter, Yes I also found that there are none available in S.A. Can't comment on the quality from Brazil as I'm still waiting for someone out there on this forum to tell me??
I have however accessed the Mercadolivre Brazil website using Chrome as a browser (I don't speak Portuguese and it translates) Site looks like it's their Ebay? They're response was immediate; they're looking for R$ 1,900 inclusive for a set four, front and back, including shipping to UK. (total around 500 Pounds) Presently setting up an adequate credit limit on Western Union to make payment in Brazilian currency (R$)
Unless someone tells me, within the next 24 hours, that the quality is poor then I'll get back to you once the bumpers are received.
Cheers, Martin.
P.S. presume from the name that you're in S.A., once had a gr8 vacation there, miss eating your billtong!

Re: Puma front bumpers

Martin, Thanks for the info. Yes I am from SA. Happy to hear you enjoyed your stay here.
I will appreciate your feedback on the received bumper set.
I see from the partslist of PUMA SA that they have fibreglass bumpers available. I am wondering if fiberglass can be chrome, may be a cheaper way out.

Re: Puma front bumpers

Fibreglass can have a coating applied that looks very much like chrome. Good idea.

Martin, If Morello (in Brazil)says the quality is good, then I would believe him. He has done well for me, even steered me clear of items he said came in varying degrees of quality depending on the supplier. I will send him an email now and ask him directly. When I get an answer I will let you know.


Re: Puma front bumpers

Thanks Guys.

Re: Puma front bumpers

Martin, Morello has replied and he tells me the quality is very good and the chrome plating is very good. I believe him.


Re: Puma front bumpers

Yes thanks, I'm in touch with Jose, he seems sound. He also has other bits that I'm interested in so I've sent him a list to price. Feeling very positive I'll let you know how it works out. Greatly appreciate you putting me in touch...I owe you a beer! Martin

Re: Puma front bumpers

Hi Pieter, Thinking of using fibreglass bumpers instead of metal; assuming you went ahead and bought some, what do you think? Martin