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Re: Our Sunday Comics

"Attempt to disguise guilt futile, like flame in storm" - love it!

Rush, I have noticed the synchronicity in dates--very awesome! Are the stars aligned, or is that by design? I must admit, however, to my ignorance as to who's demise and what film this Sunday's comic mirrors? Look forward to someone providing the answer.

BTW, expect a surge in hits on the Sunday comics (and website) after Earl's birthday this Monday. Janet A. Rudolph, who host the world's largest mystery site for fans and readers (Mystery Readers International), mentioned she's going to re-transmit my August 1st post, "Ten ways to celebrate Ohio Author Earl Derr Biggers 135th birthday - August 26, 2019" on his big day! That will send it around the world. And if you've read it (I know you have) one of the 10 ways I mention is to read the Sunday comics--complete with link to your site. Just FYI.

Her blog is at: (where the post will be). And her website, Mystery Readers International, is at:

Thank you SO much,

Re: Our Sunday Comics

Dear Lou,

All thanks go to YOU! Thank you for putting our weekly Comics out there via your wonderful blog! It can be seen that our collection of comics is also "publicized" by those seeking monetary gain by publishing same! Search the Chan Sunday Comics at Amazon and you will see what I mean (you may want to read the one "Customer Review"). This also happened with our Charlie Chan "lost" film scripts some years ago. The intent of sharing all material Chan here at our site is to do just that, free of charge and without limitations. Some enjoy, some employ... Such is life!

Now, the film in question is "Charlie Chan at Monte Carlo." Take a look at the final, climactic scene, and you will see what I was "driving" at!

Take care...continue to enjoy!


Re: Our Sunday Comics

Rush, I did just that (went to Amazon). What a "Shyster" and it looks so obvious he copied and pasted them anyways. I can't imagine anyone would buy those from him. I did read the one comment (from someone) and it's right on target!

"Charlie Chan in Monte Carlo!". Now I'm gonna have to watch it. TXS, Lou

Re: Our Sunday Comics

Lou, one more note on our Chan Sundays! Recently, as summer vacation was drawing to close, I went through a number of Sunday comics that I had not yet scanned and placed into the Comics Archive. We now have only 19 original comics missing from a total of the 187 that were originally published. Nearly all of the missing comics date from 1941, and I suspect that the reason could be that with the advent of war with Pearl Harbor, paper drives took their patriotic toll on a lot of printed matter, including newspaper comics sections! The search, like the beat, goes on!

Take care...
